Page 44 of Wildest Dreams

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“You’re telling me that you decided to send me on this ridiculous tour because it’s good for fucking morale?”

“Yes, sir.”

His throat moves now as he swallows hard, the first indication that he might be regretting his decisions.

“You told me that there were dire situations that required my immediate attention.”

“Yes, I did. And I still believe that’s true.”

I tap my fingertips on my chin and think about the fact that I have a teenager at home alone and a woman whom I’m just starting to make headway with, and rather than being with either of them, I’m in my jet halfway around the world when I don’t need to be.

“I’m going to finish this trip in two weeks rather than three,” I inform my assistant, “and I’ll be working around the clock to fit everything in that you had scheduled. Then I’m going home. If you have a problem with that, I’m quite sure you can find another position somewhere else.”

Arthur’s eyes just about bug out of his head. “Mr. Wild, you’re blowing this out of proportion.”

“You know,” I interrupt him, leaning forward. “You’re one of the few people who knows what I went through late last year, what my kid went through, and why it’s important to me to be home with him. If I’m needed in London or Dublin or fucking Berlin, that’s fine, I’ll go, but you will not parade me around the world to make an appearance at my own fucking offices because you think it’s good for morale. I’m in constant contact with my people, and you know it. I expect you to have my back, not decide to be my boss or my goddamn father and dictate how I run my business.”

“That’s not?—”

“That’s exactly what you did, Arthur. I won’t have it. No, I don’t work twenty-hour days anymore, and I’m not going to. I don’t have to. Are we clear? Because I won’t discuss this with you again.”

“I understand.” He clears his throat and then shakes his head. “You used to be so focused, so ruthless.”

“And you think I’m not now?”

“Not like you used to be.”

“I’m thirty-four, with an empire that anyone would envy. And now, I have a family and a life outside of that empire, and I won’t apologize for that. Nor will I explain myself to you. When we land in Berlin, I’m sending you back to Manhattan.”

His nostrils flare. “You’re firing me?”

“No, I just don’t want to continue this trip with you.”

“But I have all the information?—”

“Send it to me. Yes, I depend on you for a lot, but you’re not irreplaceable. It’s time you remembered that.”

I stand and walk to another seat on my jet, buckle in, and pull my phone out of my pocket. It’s two a.m. in Montana, so not exactly a great time to call Polly, although I’d really love to hear her voice right now.

I’ve been gone for five days, and it’s been fucking frustrating. At every turn, I’ve been disappointed in Arthur, and the men and women who run each of the offices we’ve visited have been confused as to why we’re there. I hire the right people to make sure that things are handled without me.

I can’t be all around the world at once. Nor should I ever have to be.

I miss my ranch, my kid, and my girl, and I have another week of this bullshit. Since I’m already here, I’ll finish the trip, but I won’t take the leisurely pace that Arthur originally set out for me. I’m going to make sure I get home by that summer soiree that Polly wants me to go to.

I open the photo app on my phone and smile at pictures of Jake with the horses and then feel frustrated that there aren’t any pictures of Polly.

I’ll change that soon.



“So, what’s going on between you and Ryan?” My brother crosses his arms over his chest and leans back against the railing of my parents’ back deck while we wait for the steaks to cook on the grill.

“Well, for the past week, not much,” I reply and shove my hair over my shoulder. “He’s been gone, you know.”

“Har har, you’re a riot. You know what I mean.”

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