Page 2 of Wildest Dreams

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I wake the way I always do: quickly and fully alert. But I don’t open my eyes yet. I can smell the sex and Polly’s perfume, and I could swear the sound of my name on her lips as she succumbed to that last orgasm still hangs in the air. I grin, remembering how amazing she looked, spread out like a feast before me, and I’m not ashamed to say that I took full advantage.

That couldn’t have been more than an hour ago.

I crack open one eye and glance over at my phone on the bedside table, surprised to see that it’s already eight a.m. I’m always up by six.

Of course, I don’t usually go half a dozen rounds of sex with no sleep in between in one night. I blame Polly.

She’s fucking irresistible.

Deciding to snuggle up to her for a few before I make my way downstairs to make her breakfast, I turn over to pull her against me but find an empty bed. Scowling, I run my hand over the sheets and find it already cool.

Maybe she went downstairs looking for coffee and food. I climb out of bed, brush my fingers through my hair as I locate a pair of jeans, put them on, and then go in search of one stunning redhead.

But when I walk downstairs, the house is quiet, and there’s no scent of coffee in the air. I check the rest of the house and then run to the front door and swear ripely when I find that her car is gone.

She fucking left.



It’s the first day of glorious summer.

Stepping out of the front door of my shop, Pocket Full of Polly, I take in a long, deep breath. I can smell new leaves and grass in the air, and the birds are chirping with excitement, as if they know it’s summer, too. The sun is out, and I don’t have to try to remember my damn winter jacket anymore.

In this part of Montana, the seasons literally change like clockwork. We had a small snowstorm just last week, and now it’s a warm summer day with just a hint of a cool breeze, and I’m walking down the sidewalk in Bitterroot Valley toward the coffee shop that my friend, Millie Wild, owns.

“Good morning,” I announce with a smile as I sashay into Bitterroot Valley Coffee Co. “It’s summer!”

“Hell to the yes,” Millie returns as she smiles back at me from where she’s making magic at her ginormous coffee-making contraption behind the counter. “And it’s a pretty day. I’ve had enough gloom and cloud cover to last until…well, next winter.”

I laugh and walk to the counter. Every hair on my body stands up as the door opens behind me, and in walks Millie’s older brother, Ryan.

The man I’ve had a crush on since I was old enough to know what that means.

The man who rocked my world last September for an entire night.

The same man who never called me afterward.

“Polly,” Ryan says with a wide, happy grin. “It’s good to see you.”

“Hey, Ryan.” He hugs me, and my damn nipples betray me by going instantly hard. “How are you?”

“I’m great.” He smiles down at me as he pulls away and stuffs his hands into his pockets. He looks fucking delicious in a simple black T-shirt and jeans, and he’s wearing his signature baseball cap, backward. “And yourself? Your brother tells me that you’ve closed the shop for the week.”

“I have.” I nod and then smile at Millie when she passes me my favorite coffee. I don’t even have to order; she just whips it up and keeps a tab for me. “I’m doing some rearranging, replacing old stock with new, and cleaning. I do it every spring before the summer rush starts.”

And I freaking love it. Touching all the clothes and styling them to look trendy and attractive is my favorite. But freshening the place up, deep cleaning, and showing my business love is also rewarding.

“Mac also mentioned that he’ll be helping you today?” Ryan asks as Millie passes him a cup of coffee.

As more customers shuffle in behind us, Ryan and I move off to the side to get out of their way.

“He is,” I confirm with a nod. “I have some heavy things that need to be moved, built, and all that good stuff, and Mac’s coming to do most of that for me.”

“I can help,” Ryan offers immediately, and I want to say no. When I’m around him, which isn’t often, all I can think about is how good it felt when he gave me some of the best orgasms of my damn life. But I’m sure Mac could use an extra pair of hands, and I know from experience that Ryan has the muscles. “I’ll bring Jake, too.”

“Are you sure?” I shift on my feet, thinking it over. “I can bring in lunch for everyone as a thank-you.”

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