Page 19 of Wildest Dreams

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“He probably thinks you’re tired.” Summer slings her arm around my shoulders and plants a kiss square on my cheek. “Don’t overthink it.”

“Do you see who you’re talking to? I overthink everything. Unless I forget about it entirely. It’s one or the other with me, and Ryan is not something I can forget. But thanks.”

Before she can reply, other members begin to file in. Millie and Abbi come in together. Today, Abbi has her daughter, Daisy, with her. Erin isn’t far behind, and I see that Holly is with her, as well.

“Hi, ladies,” I say and smile at the pretty little girls. They’re fresh-faced and full of excitement. “What are you up to today?”

“We’re businesswomen,” Holly replies seriously.

“Yeah, we’re opening a lemonade stand, and we want to talk to other women who own stuff,” Daisy adds. I see that they’re both dressed in cute little white capris, and each girl has on a nice top with sandals. They’re in business attire.

“Well, we’re happy to have you.” I point to a table near the front of the room. “Please, have a seat.”

When they bustle over to the table, I turn to the others and grin. “Okay, that’s freaking adorable.”

“It’s summer,” Abbi says with a shrug. “I don’t want to put Daisy in daycare, and they were excited at the thought of coming to listen today.”

“They’ll be great,” Millie says. “I love that they dressed up.”

More and more women file in. I worried that we wouldn’t have as much of a turnout for this one because it’s a lunch meeting, but it looks like I was wrong because there might be standing room only by the time everyone is seated.

“Hi, everyone,” Erin calls out, getting the room’s attention. “Please take your seats. There are stools at the bar, as well, and if we need more chairs, we can bring some in. Since this is a lunch meeting and so many of you will have to get back to work, we want to keep today quick.”

There’s some shuffling as everyone finds a seat, and I’m satisfied to see that there’s enough for everyone.

But just enough.

“Before our guest speaker begins,” Millie says, “I want to remind you all that we’re having our summer gala in three weeks, and tickets are on sale on the website. This is the event that men are invited to.”

We all chuckle at that. We hold a gala once a season so we can bring our significant others, dress up, and have fun. It’s one of our favorite things to do.

“The theme is summer soiree,” I put in. “And it’s going to be gorgeous.”

“But the best part is that this will be the first official event at the Wild River Ranch Event Center,” Erin says, and the whole place erupts with applause. “I can’t wait for everyone to see it.”

The new event space out at the Wild ranch is absolutely stunning. Erin invited us out there a few weeks ago to see the progress. I can’t believe that it started out as an old barn that had collapsed in on itself decades ago, and Erin had the vision to turn that piece of land into a gorgeous place for weddings and other special events.

They’re already booked out a year in advance.

“And now, let’s get down to the good stuff,” Abbi says. “Our speaker this month is no stranger to this area. Most of you know Charlie Lexington. She’s the owner of Lexington Luxuries, an event planning service here in Bitterroot Valley. We asked her to speak today because her marketing skills are genius, and I, personally, want to pick her brain. Please welcome Charlie.”

“It’s a good thing that I’m not shy,” Charlie says with a wink and takes her place at the front of the room, and the rest of us settle in with drinks and some snacks from the bar to listen, take notes, and ask questions.

Even Holly and Daisy are respectful, sitting quietly and listening to Charlie speak. I think the pretty pink lemonades and grilled cheese sandwiches are helping to keep them occupied.

I love these few hours each month spent with so many amazing, intelligent women in business. I’ve learned so much about bookkeeping, marketing, planning, and strategy. I got the idea for lighter furniture from another member of IWC this past winter.

I look forward to these meetings, and I can’t wait for the gala coming up.

Just over an hour later, Charlie has wrapped up her presentation, and some of the women are saying their goodbyes as they hustle back to work. Summer and I are always the last to leave because I help her take the bouquets back to her car.

“Take a couple of these for your shop,” she offers. “Maybe set them on the refreshment table.”

“Oh, that’ll be pretty. Thanks, friend.”

“Do you have a dress picked out for the gala?” she asks.

“No, but I have a nice selection of summer formal gowns coming in at the end of the week because I know people will need to find something.”

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