Page 70 of Fierce Protector

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He took the Petersons’ driveway at top speed. The truck fishtailed on loose gravel and dirt. From here, he could see the orange blaze lighting up the sky. The whole place looked to be burning.

He had to get as close as possible. He skidded sideways around a bend in the lane that led to the back field. His headlights washed over a black shape.

A figure.

No, a man.

As Ledger rolled past him, he saw the man was just standing there, his phone up, shooting a video of the fire.

No way was this an innocent bystander. The guy was responsible for setting that fire and was enjoying the destruction he wrought.

In a split second, Ledger had to make a choice—get the man or save the woman he loved.

He stomped on the gas, gunning for the man. But at the last minute, he swerved, leaving the man to choke on his dust. He hoped that he did too.

Edging the vehicle closer and closer to the flames, he saw the impossibility of anybody being left standing in that field.

Cold fear froze his veins. It was too much like the battlefield. The noise, the confusion…got to him.

He couldn’t let them.

He steeled himself. He knew with every cell in his body that Demi was in there, and she was more important than his feelings.

He moved a few more feet before the flames blocked his path. He jumped out, bellowing Demi’s name at the top of his lungs. His throat seared with the strain. His heart throbbed.

His body shook with a cough as smoke filled his lungs. He threw his forearm over his nose and mouth, saw a break in the flames…and shot through the gap to save the mother of his unborn child.

* * * * *

The low growl of an engine sounded from across the field. It was too loud to be a truck—it had to be an ATV or a…

She strained to see through the wall of smoke.


Her heart soared, and she whipped around to face the rancher. “We’re saved! Your wife’s coming with the tractor!”

Jeff had a terrific partner to walk the path of life with him. So did Demi. Whether tackling diapers or pulling a calf at the crack of dawn, Ledger had her six too.

With the newborn calf on his shoulders, Jeff peered harder into the gray void. He shook his head. “That’s not Robin! It’s not our tractor!”

“I don’t give a damn who it is! We aren’t going to die today!” The smoke filled her lungs, and she exploded into a coughing fit, bending forward with the force of it.

Oh no. This couldn’t be good for the baby. But human bodies were resilient—their child would be fine.

“Doc! Take this. Cover your nose and mouth.” He thrust a handkerchief into her hand. Clean or dirty, she didn’t care. She cupped it to her face and they ran toward the tractor.

The big equipment bore down on them at a fast clip. The headlights sliced through the darkness and smoke, glaring into Demi’s eyes.

She lifted a hand to shield her vision, squinting at the person in the seat.

Shock tore through her, followed by relief so strong that she stumbled. She caught herself and managed to run up to the side of the tractor.

Sean Gracey, Meadow and Ivy’s father, was at the controls. He waved frantically at her to climb into the cab with him. Shocked beyond words at how uncharacteristic it was for the pushover of a man to come to her rescue, she stood there for a moment, frozen.

She’d analyze it all later—right now, she had to save more than her own life.

She gestured wildly to the cow.

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