Page 17 of Fierce Protector

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Colton walked in a moment later, looking just as manly as Zach. The ranch seemed to be crawling with hot men and was being powered by pure testosterone. She wasn’t even counting Ledger into the mix—that man was walking sin.

When Colton moved close to Meadow, it was easy to see the bond between the couple. He touched her elbow, and she seemed to move with him, her body almost dancing with his.

Demi thought that kind of stuff only happened in movies. Seeing it in live action stunned her so much that she zoned out on the question that Meadow asked.

“I’m sorry. I missed that.”

Meadow didn’t seem aware that she reached out to touch Colton’s arm. “I asked about the best way to attach the pulleys. I assume you’ve done this before?”

She nodded. “Once. I saw it in vet school too. We start here.” She pointed up at a rafter and then looked to Colton.

“I’ll grab a ladder.”

Meadow tightened her grip on his arm before he could move away. He swung back, his focus on her face. Love shone plainly in his eyes.

Feeling like a voyeur, Demi looked away, but she had a strong urge to watch the couple, to witness the sort of love that most people never experienced in a lifetime.

Her own parents never shared that kind of love—or if they did, it had cooled long before she was old enough to recognize it. In her line of work, she met with plenty of couples and very few looked at each other the way Meadow and Colton did.

Finding a love like that would be like winning the lottery. Or finding a needle in the proverbial haystack.

It would never happen to Demi.

She was okay with that. She had a level head on her shoulders. She didn’t need love. It was just these stupid hormones making her so tired—and now sappy too.

Before Meadow could make a request of Colton, he nodded, hearing some unspoken question. “I’ll move slow around Lonesome Rose. I won’t spook her.”

“Thank you.” She went on the toes of her cowgirl boots to brush her lips over his angled jaw.

Demi busied herself with rolling out a length of rope that they’d feed through a pulley. Together with Meadow and then Colton, they managed to rig up a sling for the horse.

“Each of you grab one of the ropes.” She wrapped her hands around one as well.

Meadow and Colton took their positions.

“On three, we lift.”

“I’ll do it.” The deep voice resonated in the barn—and echoed through Demi’s brain. Her body reacted to the sound.

It must be another pregnancy symptom. She never wanted this much sex. Now every time she was around the—she cringed at the words—baby daddy, she wanted to jump his bones. It was like some primal biological function was urging her to get together with Ledger again.

He stood in the doorway, holding a white container in his hands. The sun outlined him, throwing his face into shadow.

But she knew he was staring at her.

In brisk strides, he hurried forward and thrust the box into her hands.

Stunned, she closed her fingers on the box. The scent of bacon and eggs wafted up to her.

Her stomach growled in response.

She pushed the box at him, aware of Meadow gawking at them. “I have work to do.”

Colton eyed Ledger. “What is happening?”

“Eat,” Ledger ordered her. Ignoring Colton, he grabbed the rope Demi was about to hoist, forcing her out of the way.

The smell of the food had her stomach gripping with a sudden, ravenous hunger. Without looking in the box, she knew it was her favorite breakfast from Dilly’s Diner. The number five. Two eggs over hard, two strips of bacon and a side of home fries.

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