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I shake my head. “Hannah doesn’t need me for days.”

“Good. Then what do you think of sleeping out under the night sky?”

I smirk his way. “With you? Absolutely.”

Hawk goes to start a fire. We did bring some food along, and we were sure to have extra just in case our trip for whatever reason went longer than we intended.

I pull myself up, my legs weak, trembling. I don’t think I would have liked continuing to hike any longer, not with what we just did. I dig into my bag and pull out a wet wipe or two, and dab at my brow to wipe off the sweat.

I then move it between my legs. I feel his heat leaking out of me, and the mess of our tryst.

I made a mistake during the height of my ecstasy. I’m not on anything that would have made going that far a good idea.

I glance over at Hawk as he’s working. That call of mine was a mistake. I shouldn’t have been so reckless.

But for once I don’t let it eat at me. It was wonderful. It was exciting, electric, and intoxicating.

Most importantly, though?

It was my mistake. My decision.

When you don’t get to make too many of them, you savor even the bad ones.



The fire gets going good and hot. I had gathered a few extra bits of firewood from the forest around us, being careful not to get stabbed in the dick when doing so. Given the night’s still young, and what we’d just done, I didn’t see a terrible lot of reason to get fully redressed.

Lavender is next to me by the fire, a blanket over her and nothing else. We’re eating some tightly packed sandwiches from our bags. I had considered maybe showing off my hunting skills and bagging some sort of small prey for the night, but that seems to be a tad excessive. Most of what’s around here is deer, elk, and squirrels. The former two would require a lot of work, and the later really isn’t all that good flavor-wise. There’s a reason you never see grocery stores selling fresh ground squirrel.

I could tell Lavender is already impressed more than enough with me, and sometimes it’s better just to stop when you’re ahead. She already thinks I’m the manliest man to ever do manly things, so adding to that is simply overkill.

“What do you got there, anyway?”

“Just some peanut butter and jelly,” she says, chewing through another bite.

“Keeping it basic, huh?”

“I’ve always loved these. Never got too many as a kid.”

I cock an eyebrow. “Never got too many PB and Js, as a kid? What kind of weird childhood did you have?”

She stares at me blankly, like I had just accused her of murder. “Parents didn’t think it was good enough for me. Said I needed healthier foods than that.”

“Oh. Those sort of health nuts.”

“Always thought it was a bit silly. And this one in particular is really good,” she says. “It’s made with bread from Hannah’s bakery.”

I nod her way. “Hell, yeah, good bread is important to any sandwich. Even PB and Js.”

“What about you?”

“Ham and cheese on rye. Grocery store rye, sadly. Maybe I should get some bread from Hannah’s and see what I can do with it.”

“A lot. I’d recommend it. She sells primarily sweet stuff, but just the regular bread is really good too.”

The fire crackles, and the two of us enjoy the serenity of the evening as night falls. We both look up into the sky. The stars are bright here, given how far we are from the city, or hell, even the town of Evergreen Valley.

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