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“Just the responsibility of making sure your family is okay. How dare they do such a thing to you, Hawk? How dare they?”

He shrugs. “I’m sure I’ll get over it eventually.”

We drift closer to one another, his arm around my shoulder. We’re pressed up against one another, enjoying the sight of the waterfall, and the endless flow of the creek. Water goes on and on, forever, continuing, despite the world, with or without us. Nature is always a bit haunting when it comes to this sort of thing.

“The real main event is a bit farther down,” Hawk says. “Right through those trees over there.”

“There’s more to show me, huh?” I smirk. “Lead the way, big boy.”

I’m still a bit exhausted after climbing the hill, but the rest of the journey Hawk is leading me on seems to be more on flat ground, thankfully.

We pass through another forest path, and into a new valley, a small divide between two mountains. Soon the trees start to give way to a huge field. The sun shines down on a big clearing, a meadow, the only plants there being some grass of decent height.

“Here we are. One of the few places in the entire forest not completely covered by trees. And it's quite the sight on its own.”

It really is. There’s a quiet serenity about it, a difference to its scent. I can hear distant birdsong, but as we walk into the field, it’s just me and him. The only things in the world that matter at that moment are him and I.

He drops down his hiking backpack, and whips out one of the blankets, finding one of the flattest pieces of ground on the field to lay it out. “I think it’s time for us to take a break, don’t you think?”

I’d agree with him even if my legs and back weren’t aching. I set down my pack beside him, and have a seat on the blanket as well. We both sit for a time, sipping our canteens. I lean back into him, falling into his lap, his arms around me as he pulls me close.

There’s no rush to get up and keep going. As the sun begins to set in the distance, he runs his hands through my hair, his touch tender and sweet. “I’m forever captivated by just how gorgeous you are.”

“You ain’t too bad yourself, there, handsome.”

Our embrace brings us closer, climbing into his lap, Hawk lowering his face toward mine, until we’re gazing into each other’s eyes, mere inches separating our lips. My heart starts to pound faster. I’d never been this close to a guy, like this. My parents were always those types who had to micromanage my personal life, ready to freak out about whatever boy I liked wasn’t good enough.

My parents would absolutely loathe someone like Hawk.

But my parents aren’t here now.

I’m a grown-ass woman ready to make my own decisions, and if those decisions turn into mistakes, I’ll own up to them all the same.

When the inevitable happens, and Hawk goes for the kiss, I accept it. My lips meet his, and it’s more amazing than I ever thought it would be. It’s really just two sets of lips meeting, but God, the adrenaline is pumping through me at that moment, and how it makes me desire him all the more. I pick myself up and lean into his kisses as they grow more intense. Our tongues invade one another’s mouths, tangling, entwining with one another.

Clothes start to fall off us as our embrace continues, his hands roaming down my body. Every time he touches something covered by a shirt or my shorts, I yearn to have him touch my bare flesh.

Soon I’m pulling his jeans off him, and we’re both left there, barefoot and in our underwear. I don’t think we’re planning to resume our hike anytime soon.

I’m panicking a bit. I meant it when I said I never got this far with a guy before. Never even really been kissed, and that technicality is because some dork randomly pecked me on the cheek during graduation. What’s happening with Hawk is real. I can’t write it off as any sort of technicality.

My first real kiss.

My first real anything with a man.

I’m hesitating a bit. Hawk’s enough of a gentleman to stop all this if I say something.

I don’t want to stop, though. I want him bad. I want him to show me everything a man can show a woman.

I want him to show me what life can be like free from a family that views you as nothing more than an asset.

“You all right, there?” he asks. I’m lying flat on our makeshift bed of blankets and clothes. He’s above me, his hand on my tit, gently massaging me. “You seem nervous.”

“I’m good. Keep going. Please.”

He tilts his head briefly before nodding and obeying my request.

The kisses continue to rain down my neck and breasts, gooseflesh forming everywhere as he descends my body. I yearn for him so completely, moaning softly as he goes down my form more and more. He runs a tender touch across my abdomen, to where only my panties remain. He caresses my thighs, roaming inward and touching me there, building the anticipation for him more and more. When he reaches my sex, there’s still my panties in the way and it does little to blunt the joy I feel from his touch. The fire spread through my body, burning hotter and hotter, being fanned to roar stronger.

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