Page 81 of Ruthless Legacy

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After all, she’s gone and saved me the trouble of getting out of whatever this is at a later date.

And I tell myself that’s a good thing. A very good thing, indeed.

“I’m not in a fucking mood,” I say, glaring at Kingston, who’s currently haunting my Park Avenue office.

He stares out the window at the bright afternoon, then turns back to me, sliding his hands in his trouser pockets. “You never could lie for shit, Ry,” he says. “I’ve a mind to up the stakes and take it all. You slept with her.”

“When has anyone in this family become so obsessed with my sex life?”

He shrugs and grins and comes over to the seat opposite my large wood and steel desk, a sleek thing that’s a masterpiece in modern design. “Since you stopped really having one.”

“So has the side bet become the top bet?”

“Not really, but I could make it that. You know I don’t care about tricking the others out of their money.”

My phone buzzes but I ignore it. I know who it is. And that I haven’t seen her in a few days annoys the hell out of me. It annoys the hell out of me even more that I’m annoyed.

“You’re fucking loaded, like the rest of us, you dick. Why do you want money that means nothing?”

“Money always means something,” he says, reasonably. “Small or large amounts. It adds up.” Then King pins me with a hard look. “When’s the next board meeting?”

“I’d prefer it if you were all there.”

“Our father had a sense of humor.” He puts his feet on my desk and I send him an irritated look, one he ignores. “Who knew?”

“I’m not sure it’s a sign of a sense of humor to fuck with your kids after you’re gone. And you three are on the board, so…”

“Stipulations. We’re not invited. They want to see you handle yourself without our guidance. Pity the old man never cottoned on to the fact we have no say over what the fuck you do or how you do it.”

Yeah. Our heritage in my hands. “So you care?”

“The company is worth a fortune, and also a fortune beyond money on paper. It if goes public, then who the hell knows who’ll get their grubby hands on a piece. Plus, it makes us look weak and that’s across everything.”

I nod slowly and slump back in my seat. “Just because I like sex, women, and a good time, I have to become a conservative asshat to show I can do what I already do.”

“As I said, sense of fucking humor.”

“Jesus.” I get up and start to pace, and my phone buzzes on my desk again. “No one has faith in me.”

“We do and you know it. It’s not about that. It’s about a game. And I really wouldn’t give a flying fuck if we weren’t dragged into this with the family business being dangled as some kind of bait. Shit, I’d let the jewels go—my piece—if I didn’t think they’re worth a fortune. They’re already the stuff of legend and lore, imagine if we had them all together on display, and sold them to the highest bidder.”

I wince. “You have no soul, and no one else will do that.”

“So, I’ll sell mine.” My phone buzzes again. “Aren’t you going to get that?”


“I knew you fucked your make over artist.”

Heat rises along the back of my neck. “Elliot isn’t a make over artist. And it’s none of your business.”

“Is that all?” I add, suddenly done with the conversation. “I’ve got an event to go to.”

“That thing tonight? I’ll see you there.” He gets up and heads to the door. “And your Elliot.”

“Not my anything!”

He’s lucky I like my shoes enough I don’t launch them at his smug head as he disappears.

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