Page 41 of Ruthless Legacy

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She traces a finger along one of the dancing skeletons. “It reminds me of the three.”

My heart beats a little faster. “The three?”

“Dante’s Divine Comedy.”


“It’s silly, but—”

“It’s not silly, because it is. I was obsessed with it when I was a kid.”

The tattoo stretches up over my shoulder to take over my back in a watercolor tattoo, but I don’t want to talk about me. I’d rather talk about her.


“Do you have to keep sounding so damn surprised, Perry. You do a man’s ego harm.”

She snorts. “I don’t think a nuke could harm your ego, Sinclair.”

“Do you think it would give me super powers?”

“Don’t!” She groans and goes to move away, but I’m not ready to let her go yet. She feels too good. “I don’t think womankind is ready for that.”

I just laugh. Who knew talking and lazy flirting with no agenda other than just being could be so much fun? In a bed? When I’m only wearing my underwear and a hard on that’s going to have to just deal with itself.

Either that or a trip to the bathroom—

No. No way am I doing that and risking getting caught. I’d never live it down with someone like Elliot Perry.

“Fine. But I’m not that bad.”

“You’re worse. And if you keep going, I might end up liking you.”

I pause. “Is that a bad thing?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know.” There’s something heavy in the air, but whatever it is she doesn’t say it. “I was planning on simply admiring your face and hating you.”

I want to ask what she was going to say, but I don’t want to break the mood. “I am pretty handsome.”

“Oh, yep, there we are. Back to hate.”

“You don’t.”

“I do.”

“I think your plants like me. Did you see that velvety one perk up when I touched her leaves?”

She pinches my chest and pulls away. This time I let her, but she rolls over on her side to look at me, tucking her hands beneath her cheek. “My philodendron? Plants aren’t known for their leafy intelligence, Ryder.”

“I’ll tell them—”

“Don’t you dare.”

Her eyes sparkle, and like this she’s almost heartbreakingly pretty in that Elliot way. It’s something in her that shifts, like I can see a sliver of her soul and it’s breathtaking.

“Well, you did agree to share your bed with me, so maybe I won’t.”

“I didn’t agree to anything. You climbed in, unasked.”

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