Page 17 of Ruthless Legacy

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As she slams the door and disappears into the building, I’m unsure whether she’s serious, but I find myself smiling.

“You walk and talk like Ryder,” Kingston drawls, “but the way you dress and who you were in there…have you been body snatched?”

I give him my filthiest look as I pull at the most boring tie I own. I look like a banker.

We’ve just come out of my fourth meeting of the day. My actual business where I make my money—as in mine and not family—was conducted before that redheaded Elliot demon with the intriguing mouth, terrible suit, and long legs turned up at my door. Then I had meetings for that.

The rest of my day’s been spent on business here and there and finally this meeting with the board. It seemed regular enough, but I know our mother and she watched like an evil hawk. I’m leaving with Kingston; the others are gone already for their various duties before we meet about this whole thing.


I stop as my mother’s voice holds a certain tone and Kingston slaps me on the back. “Meet you at Hud and Scarlett’s.”

“Asshole. Turncoat. Benedict Arnold of the real estate world.”

He just waves a hand and saunters out of the Madison Ave office building that’s been in the family for a couple of generations.

“Mother,” I say, giving her my most charming smile, one she refuses to be charmed by. “You bellowed?”

“You haven’t changed that much, even if you’re dressed up.”

I bite down on a sigh. Of course, Elliot’s right in the clothes she went for. But me, not. This is pure not. But I keep this suit for funerals, court cases when and if they happen and…well, this.

“You’re taking a huge interest.” My gaze flickers to the door where Jenson stands, on his phone, making it clear he’s not looking, which says he’s paying attention.

She purses her lips. “I always take an interest in family business.”

“A little closer than usual, I’d say.”

“Ryder, everyone saw all that stuff today. The board won’t say it, but they’re not happy.” She draws in a breath and glances at Jenson, then back to me. “I’m going to be a bigger part than usual in this.”

I narrow my eyes. “What’s your interest?”


“What is your real part in all this, mother?”

She smiles sweetly. “It’s in that word. I want to make sure things are done right by my sons and your scandals haven’t helped. The company could be lost, Ryder, if you don’t clean up your act. Your father built that clause in to make sure you flew right. And…and I shouldn’t be telling you this, but there will be four meetings of the board. The last one is where the decision is made. If you have the capability to truly change. Which is why I’m there. I know you best. I’ll know. And I can’t go easy on you.”

My mother rises up and kisses my cheek. “I have faith. So don’t let me down.”

And as she leaves with Jenson, I wonder what her agenda really is.

Because she’s the one woman I can’t hoodwink.


My so-called siblings grin. I’m with their better halves who look both embarrassed and annoyed.

“What?” Hudson looks at the board and at me. “Too ornate?”

“No, it’s fine. Top quality chalk. Maybe if we got him some strippers to carry it…” Mag says, earning an elbow to the ribs from Zoey. “Ow.”

I point at Hud. “You’ve changed.” Then at Mag. “You haven’t.”

“Here,” says Scarlett. “Have a drink. It’ll cheer you up. I’m on your side.

“Me too.”

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