Page 9 of Throttle

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Page 9 of Throttle

I’m a dick. Sometimes I cease to use my brain. Why would I bring up sex with women? To her, of all people. To the person whose opinion matters most to me. My best friend. The chick who is always there supporting me. Motivating me to be the finest possible version of myself. And I'm labeling myself as a pathetic manwhore.

I don’t deserve her.

“I'm not insisting that you stop. But there's a McDonald's coming up on your right at the next exit, about 1.2 miles away.”

I laugh. Another reason I adore her. She eats burgers and fries with me or whatever else she can put into that pretty mouth of hers. The women I sleep with wouldn’t dare touch a carb.

“You read my mind.” How did I get so lucky?

“You’re right. You are lucky. Don't forget to switch lanes before you pass the exit.” She chuckles.

Shit. I uttered that out loud.

With food bags in our laps, I turn off the truck while Relient K plays in the background.

It's strange, but I enjoy watching her eat. The way she nibbles a fry is ridiculously cute.

“Don’t let that asstwat and what he said get to you. You’re a great person, Throttle. You and your club. In fact, you guys rank among the greatest people I have ever met. When Chain hired me, I was shaking out of my mind. It's not unlikely to hear terrifying stories about biker clubs. Not everyone is like ours.” She pauses and swallows the rest of her food. “But after getting to know everyone, there’s not a place I consider safer.” She smiles, with a small amount of ketchup staining her bottom lip. Without a second thought, I reach over and brush it off, parting her lips with my thumb.

My gentle gesture made her nervous, and I can’t guess why. Have I ever considered the possibility of her liking me as more than just a friend? Yeah. Shit crossed my mind. I’m also not blind. I see the way she looks at me. It's imprinted on me like a painful scar.

I realize how my flirting and sleeping with the hang-arounds affects her. Which is why my comment earlier was insensitive. But it’s who I am, and I’ve never led her on. I never give her the impression that this is anything beyond friendship. We have a silent agreement. She knows that this will not progress into something, and it makes me sound like a complete and utter dirtbag. But my selfishness gnaws a hole in my chest when I consider letting her go. Us as friends lets me be around her—without being with her.

“Thanks, I don’t deserve you, you get that?” With a smile, I push my fry container atop her lap. “Believe it or not, I’m full.” My hand grazes her toned thigh. She may be off limits, but I’d be an idiot to not notice how sexy she is. “Ready to head back?”

“Yup. I have to prep the bar for tonight.” She tosses a fry into her mouth.

As I merge onto the highway, it crosses my mind, bringing up school with her. I know it's not her favorite subject to discuss. Not sure why? She’s one of the smartest women I’ve ever met. She ought to be proud of herself.

“How’s your classes going?” Fuck it.

Her life interests me in ways I don’t understand. I guess it’s because she’s so important to me, and not everyone knows she’s studying to be a teacher. If she tells Chain, she thinks he will adjust her schedule to give her more time for her schooling. He would too. He and Maggie both.

“Good. But it’s somewhat stressful. Working at the club as much as I am makes it hard to study.”

“Going to a certain someone’s races doesn’t help either.” That’s where my selfishness surfaces. I want her there. Every damn time.

“You aren’t wrong.” She smiles. “But I love watching you. I don’t want to give that up.”

My fucking heart swells. She is the sweetest girl I have ever met, and I want nothing but the best for her. She deserves everything. Anything she wants handed to her on a goddamn platter with a big ass bow.

“You’re a special girl, Tequila. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’d have to kick their ass if they do.”

I notice her fidgeting and clearing her throat. “Thank you, but I’m just being a friend.” Her face falls to sadness.




The new prospect, Chain recruited, keeps staring at me. I notice whenever I glance back. In addition, he's been nursing the same beer for thirty minutes. I might have to resort to an Angel move and poke one of his eyes out with a pen if he doesn’t stop undressing me with them. Still, it’s impossible to ignore how painfully good looking the man is. I’d say his intense features and smoldering glare are hard to go unnoticed if he did not annoy me at the moment.

Angel whips her long, yellow braided hair behind her back, eyes the prospect, then slaps a stack of paint samples onto the bar. “Choose one.”

I fix my stare on the little squares of color. “Uh, what am I picking?”

“A shade for the living room. Before you say anything.” She holds up a hand. “No, I will not be moving in with Venom.”

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