Page 48 of Dance for Me
She handed him the bottle as she blushed. She felt warm, wasn’t sure if it was from the whiskey or from him calling her babe again. “Fine, then if you won’t tell me about your secrets, you have to play and sing something for me.”
He held her gaze for a minute before reaching over and laying the guitar in his lap. “Any special requests your highness?”
“I can get used to you calling me that,” she laughed. “But no, just play anything.”
“Alright.” Jack cleared his throat and let out a deep breath.
When he started to play, Vanessa lost her breath and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. If this was how it felt to have your breath taken away, then by God he nailed it. She knew the song right away, as soon as he started playing. It was, Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Jack’s voice was low and sexy.
He sat there, lost in the moment, with his eyes closed. Vanessa’s eyes were glued to him as she felt every emotion coming from his voice. Then he opened his eyes and looked at her but he didn’t stop playing. No, he continued with every lyric, staring right into her eyes, reaching her soul. Her heart was racing and she felt her chest ache. Ache because she knew that she not only fell for Jack, but she was falling in love with him. She smiled as he was singing to her, not for her. His stare was captivating and his voice was as equally captivating.
Even when he stopped, he didn’t look away.
“Jack, that was beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.”
She tucked a hair over her ear as her heart fluttered out of control. He cleared his throat and set his guitar down. “C’mon, let’s watch some TV.”
They polished off the bottle and she must have fallen asleep at some point because she felt herself being carried. When she opened her eyes, all she saw was a view of Jack’s chest under his white shirt.
He was so warm and all she wanted to do was curl her head into him more. When he got inside her bedroom, he gently laid her down and swung the covers over her. She didn’t realize how much whiskey they drank until she felt the room spinning.
She watched as he leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Then he turned to head out, but she grabbed his forearm.
“Wait… will you stay until I fall asleep.”
He paused. “Sure, I’ll sleep in the chair.”
“No… sleep next to me.”
“Vanessa, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“C’mon Jack, I know you won’t do anything when I’m wasted. You’re too much of a gentleman.”
“I’m no gentleman, I can assure you of that babe.” He hesitated but then she felt the bed next to her dip. He got in, threw the covers over them both and wrapped his arms around her. His steel chest was pressed against her back. His arms felt amazing, like they were shielding her from anything dangerous.
Vanessa breathed him in and then closed her eyes. Falling asleep to the scent of mint and spice.