Page 46 of Dance for Me

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Page 46 of Dance for Me

“Uh huh.” Vanessa smiled and Trixie turned on her heels and took off for the dressing room.

Owen gave Vanessa a head nod with a laugh. “That calls for a shot doll face.”

Vanessa laughed and Jack turned to talk to a customer.

“Make it something strong please. I’ve had a rough night already.”

He gave her a wink. “Coming right up.” He sat down a shot glass and Vanessa took it back. “So, any creepy ass mail recently?”

“Actually, tonight. He was so nice to leave me another one under my door.”

“Damn, why haven’t you gone to the cops yet sugar?”

She shrugged, “Jack said he’s handling it, so, I’m letting him handle it.”

Owen smirked, “I bet he is and I’m sure staying with Jack is oh, SO terrible.”

They giggled and Vanessa shook her head. “Honestly, I hardly ever really see him.”

“Mm… well, that sure is a damn shame because I wouldn’t mind sneaking a peak of his goodies.”

“Owen, you are terrible.”

He winked and Vanessa glanced at the door where one of the men was walking in. It was him, the guy that approached her at the club that day when she was alone. The man who they suspect might be responsible for sending those weird ass letters to her.

She watched him as he approached one of the tall tables, with two of his men, the same ones. She took a deep breath in and got up from her stool. Guess there was only one way to find out and that was to go straight to the source. As she walked over, she heard Jack say something to her, but she ignored him and stalked right to the man.

She stood in front of their table, hands on her hips. “Excuse me, hi. Remember me?”

The man turned to her and smiled. “Of course, how could I forget a pretty face like yours?” He was taller than she was, but not taller than Jack. They stood face to face. “Did you want something Miss Sanders?” He gave her an evil grin.

“Yeah, I want something. I want you to tell me why you’ve been sending me stalker love letters!” Her voice was raised now.

“I beg your pardon?” His smile faded but still looked amused.

“The letters! I know it’s been you and I want you to stop or I’ll go to the cops!”

His face changed from amused to angry and Jack inserted himself in between her and Hector. His front to Vanessa as he walked her back about a foot with his hands on her arms. “What the fuck are you doing? Are you insane? You don’t approach a man like Hector and shout in his fucking face.”

“I just need to know if it’s him!”

“Jesus Christ woman, you have more balls than some of the men I know.”

Guess she could take that as a compliment.

Hector stepped around Jack to face her. “Jack, I would recommend you getting control of your girls.” Vanessa crossed her arms over her chest. “And sweetheart, you are very lovely as I have said before.” Jack straightened and stood partly in front of her with his face tense. “However, if I wanted to have you for myself, I wouldn’t need to be sending juvenile Valentine letters, I can assure you that.”

Hector straightened his suit jacket and looked at Jack with a head nod. Jack reciprocated it back to him. As he made his way back to the table, Jack spun back around to her.

“What the fuck Vanessa? You’re killin’ me, you know that?” He ran his hand through his hair, then down his face. “Well, I guess now we know he’s not the one doing it.”

She scrunched her face. “Just like that… he says it wasn’t him and you believe him?” She waved her hand in the air.

“Yes, just like that,” he sighed. “Come on Vanessa, let’s go home.”

She couldn’t help but be surprised at that. Home?

* * *

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