Page 95 of The Heiress Auction

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I see the wheels turning in her mind, the realization dawning on her. Gabe needs to be claimed. To feel wanted. Desired. Things he never had growing up. Excluding our friendship, I’m not sure he’s ever felt that.

Mind rushing, I drop my gaze and look away, but from my peripheral, I see her reach out a hand. Beckoning me. Drawing me back to her. To the circle. Then she looks at him.

“And?” Gabe presses.

“You,” she says, focusing on my best friend. Her voice holds a mixture of desire and tenderness that I wish I could bottle up and enjoy over and over. “Both of you.”

I take her hand again, and she clings to me. That single motion relays so much. That she wants me here. That she needs me. That I belong.

Gabe shoves away from the wall and takes her other hand, tugging her forward. “You’ll have to tell me if I’m moving too fast for you. I feel like I’m about to shoot straight to Warp Nine.”

His eagerness makes my lips twitch. The light from the breakfast nook provides just enough illumination for me to see the silent laugh she shoots over her shoulder at me. I don’t detect an ounce of worry or apprehension in her as, hand in hand, Gabe leads us to the bedroom, stopping at the foot of the mattress.



As Gabe pauses at the foot of the bed, it feels like my heart might beat right out of my chest. It’s too dark to read his expression, but when he turns to me, I feel his urgency, his laser-like attention that melts me from the inside out.

He presses my palm to the center of his warm chest, and his heart gives a rapid thump-thump-thump against my lifeline. “I had a physical last month. I’m clean. Alex?”

Trust Gabe to be pragmatic in this moment.

Alex moves in behind me, so quiet for such a big man, and slides his hands to squeeze my shoulders. I lean into him, soaking in his touch. He brushes my hair aside and kisses my shoulder before his questing lips find my neck. I tip my head in the opposite direction, silently begging him to continue. He needs no prodding.

“February,” he murmurs. A fresh shiver quakes through me, and Gabe steps closer. “Clean bill of health.”

“Same.” I lick my lips. “I’m protected.”

“What now, Princess?”

“You tell me.” I’m not being coy. I hope he knows that and somehow understands how overwhelmed I am, but also just how much I want to lose myself tonight.

In them. In us.

Gabe cups my cheek, rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip. “You’re sure about this?”

After everything that’s happened between us today, his checking in with me again absolutely undoes me. I am so used to being told what to do, doing what’s expected, that his solicitousness feels like a gift.

I wrap a hand around his wrist and squeeze. “That I’m ready to join you at Warp Nine? Absolutely.”

There’s a kernel of me that thinks I’ve been ready for this since I first saw the two of them together outside the boardroom. Heads bent, whispered conversation, painfully handsome and completely unaware of it.

“Thank god.” He swoops in for a kiss, firm lips moving across mine with an eagerness that steals my breath.

My breasts lift, nipples hardening. I slide my hands up his chest. His heart thunders against my palm, and I can barely believe that I’m kissing him in front of Alex. That they both want me like this and are willing to share.

I pull back from the scorching kiss and suck a sharp breath into my lungs. Even with a fresh round of oxygen, I’m still lightheaded.

“You’re both okay with this? The three of us?” I ask, just to double and triple-check. My heart squeezes. “If there’s going to be any awkwardness or jealousy, we should stop now. Friendship is so important. I won’t come between you.”

The room is still, and I swear they’re doing that silent communication again. My pulse pounds in my ears, and Alex lets out a ragged breath.

“Oh, Princess,” Gabe murmurs, his voice so husky my thighs clench. “You’ll definitely come between us.”

There’s a metric ton of innuendo in that sentence, and the darkness makes his words even more erotic. My pussy flutters at the promise. In fact, my body feels like I got too close to an open flame.

Alex’s big hand splays over my belly, pulling me tight against him. I shiver at the possessive touch, at the meaning there. No words needed.

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