Page 25 of The Heiress Auction

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Like kissing?

I bet he’s great at kissing. Just the right height and those lips... when they’re not making me spitting mad, I stare at them sometimes.

Alex lets go of my hand and unclips my seat belt. I blink at him as he wraps a strong arm around my waist, shifting on the seat and gathers me in his lap.

The shock chases away the panic for a split second, and my body comes alive. Alive enough to be stock still atop his hard thighs. We travel beneath a streetlight, and the interior of the car brightens enough that I can see everything. The warmth of his eyes. The pensive line of his sinful mouth. The strong column of his throat next to the crisp white shirt.

My fingertips tingle, but not from the panic attack this time, rather wanting to reach for his bowtie.

He tightens his arm around my waist, holding me to him better than any seatbelt ever could. His thumb swipes back and forth against the soft green fabric, comforting me.

My phone buzzes again. And then again.

Frowning, I close my eyes and will my heartbeat to steady. It’s silly to be worked up over this, right?

“What is it, Beauty?”

I suck in a startled breath as that word rattles around in my mind. I’ve never been called an endearment before, but Alexander Hunt sounds completely earnest.

It has to be my imagination.

How his voice washes over and through me like a cleansing rain. And at the same time, he grounds me. I’m totally vulnerable, and yet, with him, I feel... safe.

“Katherine,” he says, his voice the tiniest bit sharp. “Focus on me.”

I blink at him again, staring at his handsome face. The big vehicle slows to a stop, but no one moves. My breathing slows, and my gaze drops to his lips. He has nice lips. An accent I can’t quite place, but definitely New England.

“We’re almost there,” Gabriel says from the front seat.

His voice pulls me from my haze. I hear the blinker clicking quietly and glance out the window to see familiar landmarks.

Beneath my hip, Alex’s phone buzzes in his pocket. Seems we’re all popular tonight. He doesn’t move to retrieve the phone, and there’s a part of me, deep down, that loves that. That he can say no to the outside world when it suits him.

That’s so rare in my world.

So is having someone’s undivided attention.

And my panic attack has ebbed enough to know that I definitely have Alex’s attention.



What the hell is going on in the backseat? It’s like Alex has been hypnotized or something.

He pulled Katherine into his lap, for fuck’s sake.

Why do I care so much?

The light turns green, and I turn the corner. Halfway down the block, our building is lit up like a beacon. Soft ivory, glowing in the darkness, a welcoming sight after a crazy night.

Movement along the sidewalk makes me squint. I let my foot off the accelerator.

A handful of people mull around the double doors. That’s weird.

As we get closer, I see a large video camera positioned on a guy’s shoulder.

“What the hell?” I hit the brakes. A horn blares behind me, attracting the photographer’s attention. Dammit.

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