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I cup Piper’s cheek and tip her head back. Her gorgeous eyes zero in on me immediately, her gaze clear and coherent. I’m no doctor, but I don’t think she has a concussion. A trail of blood starts just above her temple and runs toward her jaw.

My gut clenches, and something shifts inside. His foolishness could have cost her her eye. Fucker is lucky he missed.

Turning just enough to look at the jackass, I size him up quickly: more money than brains, a day or two over twenty-one, probably at the resort on Daddy’s dime.

“If it involves her, it involves me. Now apologize.”

He gives a snort of disbelief. “Whatever, grandpa.” Then he starts to turn back to his buddies.

Unlucky for him, I have a long reach and plenty of coordination. I can hold my girl and grab him by the throat at the same time. His skin is clammy, and his pulse thumps rapidly beneath my thumb. He gives a garbled sound of surprise as I haul him closer. He grasps at my wrist with both hands but can’t pry me loose.

“I said,” I growl, “apologize.”

“Hunter,” Piper whispers, her voice soft and shocked, and her arms locked around my waist.

And because of the pain I hear in her voice, I feel no remorse when I give the fucker’s neck a little squeeze to show him what I’m capable of. His fingertips scratch at my thumb, and his eyes bulge with panic. I’m bastard enough to enjoy that.

“She told you to take it outside, and you didn’t. So give me a good reason I shouldn’t pummel your ass into the ground?”

He struggles like a fish on a hook. “Sorry. Sorry, man. Sorry.”

“Not to me, idiot. To her.”

He glances at Piper, and it’s like he sees her for the first time. I’m not sure if it’s because she’s breathtaking or because she’s covered in beer and blood. “S-sorry.”

“Get out of here while I’m still in the mood to let you walk.”

A group of locals escort them out, and Rachel runs over with a towel. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” Piper answers, but she still sounds weak to my ears. Normally, she’s so fucking full of life. Being around her is like a burst of warmth, energy, and joy.

She peels herself away from me, and I let her go, reluctant and wishing I could hold on to her forever.

“Ouch,” Rachel says, getting a look at Piper’s face. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

“Cleaned—” Piper reaches up, and her fingers come away red. All the color drains from her cheeks, and I catch her as she plummets to the floor.

Well, that’s a new one. I’ve seen her jump in to deliver a foal without batting an eye. But I guess it’s different when it’s her blood.

Lifting her high against my chest, I glance at the other server and gesture at the crowd. “You got this?”

Rachel blinks up at me. I’m not sure if it’s shock from seeing her friend in my arms or because she’s about to be running the whole bar by herself.

“Bar’s closed. Everyone out!” I call. I’ve known Heather’s brother for years, and there’s no way he’d want his staff so overwhelmed. It’s hard enough to find help as it is. I mutter to Rachel, “Jerry wouldn’t want you working alone. Give yourself a big tip from me when you close out my tab.”

“You heard him,” an old-timer calls, and everyone grumbles but shuffles toward the front door.

I head for the kitchen exit and carry my precious cargo up the old metal stairs to the apartment above the bar. A chilly breeze buffets my back. And with every step, I remind myself that she’s okay. It was only after she saw her own blood that she fainted.

My boot hits the landing, and I realize I don’t have a key. Glancing at the beautiful woman in my arms, I debate what to do. She’s not rousing.

I try her door. Love Valley is the safest place I’ve ever lived, and plenty of locals leave their doors unlocked. As luck would have it, the knob twists in my hand, and the door creaks open. I make a mental note to talk to Piper and Heather about the dangers of leaving their home unlocked, but for now, I’m thanking my lucky stars.

“Heather?” I call in case Piper’s best friend is home.

There’s no response, so I turn to the side and shuffle through the doorway.

“Piper, wake up, honey,” I say as I head for the old sofa. It’s seen better days but has fresh, colorful pillows tucked into the corners. Has it really been two years since I helped Brandt carry it up the stairs? They were so excited to find the piece at a yard sale.

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