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Ihave the common sense to literally scope the place out before charging in there, waiting until the designated time would mean I’d have to anyway.

Her whole building is a lock box. Armor-piercing rounds might just make it through those bulletproof windows, but this was supposed to be a ghost kill, not a red fingerpainting.

I would have to get up there in plain sight even if I was gonna end her, finish her off hand to hand…

The thought makes me twitch a grin because the only hands I have to put on her are the kind that want to make her feel good. Not the killing kind.

Whoever wants her dead can expect a social call from me very soon, but I’ll save that line of inquiry until I know she’s safe. With me. Where she’s going to be from now on if she wants to stay alive.

Re-negging on a mission like I’m doing, it’s suicide. My second but unofficial retirement has come early, though. I just hope she’s on board with the idea of me because from now on, I'm the only thing between her and whoever wants us both dead after today.

From the roof of a neighboring building using a scope minus the rifle, I see for myself that she’s not just alone. She’s fucking naked as a jaybird.

This is turning out to be better than I could’ve imagined.

The plan I had, to slide in undetected, disappears when I see that perfect ass of hers in my crosshairs. Her heavy chest brushes the edge of the bath as she eases herself onto her knees, her back towards me.

In record time, I make my way back down to the street and bluff my way past the only security guard in the building, informing him with the flash of a dummy badge that I’m here to resume the security detail for Mr. Foster’s daughter.

It’s more my size and steel-eyed look that gets me through than the badge. The guard unwittingly saves his own life when he shrugs, waving me towards the elevators with a passkey he slides across to me.

He thought it was a little odd Mr. Foster would leave his daughter alone without the usual staff, including their own regular security.

It’s a setup, chief. Nothing’s this easy. Stand down!

I’m in too deep to turn back now though and not because I’ve been spotted entering the building.

I’d be here for Stephanie no matter what, I just wish it could be under better circumstances. I manage to keep it together all the way up, doing what most assassins actually do in real life, especially for these close kills. I ring the doorbell.

Seeing her flushed face as she opens the door, I struggle to contain myself before she surprises me by asking me right in.

Still wearing most of that bath she was taking, I can’t help but be just a little distracted. Seeing her in the flesh from afar is one thing, but being this close to her is like a nuclear fucking blast at the front of my pants.

She sees and hears me just fine, just not having the reaction I would’ve expected. Even once it’s clear I’m here to kill her, she has a faraway, almost dreamy look. A little smile forms but not from my news.

She’s definitely getting the signal my own body’s broadcasting, loud and clear. As if nothing else matters.

“I don’t know exactly who wants you dead,” I start to explain, feeling like seconds matter more than anything right now until I can get her out of here, feeling the need to get us both moving.

I’m unable to stop the obvious tumbling out of my mouth before getting lost in explanations. “You’re all wet.”

I mean, she’s hardly dressed for a covert extraction. That and the fact I don’t exactly have a plan at this stage. Her being all wet feels like a much better place to start.

Hearing me say it makes her flush harder, like she’s been caught doing something she shouldn’t. She almost sways in her seat until she grips the armchair, stopping her head from rolling back. A tiny whimper leaves her lips.

I half wonder if someone hasn’t poisoned her already. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been assassin number two or even three on assignment. When someone wants you erased, there’s no limit to what they’ll do.

It’s the shock. It’s a lot for her to take in all at once.

“You alright?” I move closer to her, her hand clawing at the air, looking like she’s about to faint for real this time. My own hand reaches for hers, and we both feel it.

She’s not fainting and the only real shock is something neither of us can ignore a second longer.

“Y’know? I already promised myself, the next man I saw, any man, he could have his way with me.”

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