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Colonel Sloan…

He lets me call him that, sometimes, but I usually reserve it for times like now—times I need to tell him something big, but how do I bring it up?

Living together has been one thing, an easy thing. But a baby? The longer I stew on it though, the easier I am to read. Colonel Sloan has it out of me in no time.

“What is it, Stephanie? Something's eating at you,” he observes. It’s a comment that would normally make me giggle but like so many times lately, it makes me feel sick.

I don't need a test kit or a doctor to tell me. I know I'm carrying his baby. I just don't know if it's what he wants. Not so soon into this ‘us’ business anyhow.

Most men would run a mile but then again, Logan isn’t like most men.

I just tell him. If he's taught me anything, it’s plain speaking.

“I’m pregnant,” I announce, surprised by how cold I sound, but it quickly turns to me blubbering like a baby once I see Logan’s features shift.

It changes everything—how I feel, what I want for all of us. All three of us.

“A baby?! Why didn’t you… When?” he asks, three questions rolled into one.

“I wasn't sure,” I confess, but really I kinda knew after that first night. That urge I had really was more than just horny. My field was well and truly ready to be sown.

Logan plowed that field all alright. Every day since, which makes me mildly irritated that he’s acting so surprised. So innocent.

So far, I don’t like pregnant me. I’ve gained weight already, and feel like throwing up every five minutes, but seeing how the news changes Logan? I guess it doesn't have to be all bad.

I certainly can afford a big family, and a Logan baby is going to be a strong baby.

His kisses come out of nowhere, showing a side to him I like but might take some getting used to. I thought I'd be the one getting all clucky, but Logan takes it upon himself to decide I'm made of glass all of a sudden, scooping me up and banning me from doing anything that might exert me.

“What about-?” I start to ask, but he shoots me a knowing look.

“I don't mean that.” He grins. “I mean getting a ring on that finger and not moving one-ton desks. No child of mine is coming into the world without proper parents waiting for them.”

It takes a moment to process what he just said. The idea of either of us being ‘proper’ parents is impossible.

But I know what he means. He means as long as we’re nothing like our own parents, we’ll be fine.

“Is that… Is that some kind of proposal, Colonel Sloan?” I ask, feeling my heart leap into my throat as he turns left at the stairs, heading towards our bedroom.

“It’s an order,” he says firmly, almost convincing me he’s flipped his lid for real until he pauses in the doorway, squeezing me closer and looking deep into my eyes. “Stephanie? Will you do me the honor of being my wife? I won’t sleep a wink if you don't. Not with a baby on the way.”

“I’m not having it right now, Logan,” I nag him out of habit, almost forgetting what he’s just asked.

His pleading eyes almost convince me he still thinks I will refuse, even if I want to. Thing is, I knew as well as he did that first moment we met, I belong to him and nobody else.

“Yes,” I whisper. “Hell yes.”

The words disappear into his kiss, and for once, for the first time in my whole life, I know what I want to be.

His. Just his. That’s all.

Extended Epilogue


Three Years Later

“At ease, senator.” I croon the words, sliding my hands over her hips from behind, pushing her feet farther apart out of habit.

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