Page 82 of Royal Mistake

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The deal was a good one. Very good. I would eventually have everything I wanted. Except the odd sadness that had gripped my entire system told me I’d been lying to myself all these years.

I’d been one of those girls who’d envisioned her wedding, which was crazy in these days of high divorce rates and couples doing nothing more than living together. But I wanted the whole thing. The church, the white dress with the extended cathedral train, the red velvet carpet to walk down. I wanted the perfect music, flowers that filled the church and the reception space. I wanted to drink champagne and dance the night away.

All with the man I loved and who refused to look at any other woman.


That wasn’t in my cards.

And the bastard certainly wouldn’t get down on one knee and propose.

A sudden shiver coursed through me.

“Are you ready?” he asked, his deep voice penetrating every synapse.

“Sure. Why not?”

“Then go into the main bathroom to undress. You’ll find everything you need. I’ll add the adornments when you return. Now, go. I’m very hungry.”

I wanted so badly to hate this man, but the electricity kept my heart beating and my mind reeling.

As soon as I walked into the bathroom, I almost ran away. On the counter were three items I could barely stomach. One, kitten ears. Two, a bowtie. Three, a butt plug with a furry tail attached. Really? Where were the whiskers? My stomach dropped. I couldn’t do this. I wasn’t into animal playing or whatever it was officially called.

You made a deal. You can’t go back on your word, or he’ll claim a win.

Did I really care at this point?

Yes. I had to think about my entire family. If playing married would do it then I could find the willpower. One year wasn’t a life sentence.

I was huffing and bitching the entire time I removed my clothes, glaring at the plug for almost a full two minutes before yanking the tube of lube into my hand. He was trying to break me down a little bit at a time. That was his ultimate game.

Well, I wasn’t ready to toss in the towel just yet.

As I squeezed the tube, I glanced into the mirror. Why were my eyes twinkling? I could not want this. An anal plug? I’d never worn one a day in my life. I had no clue what I was doing but if anyone saw me from any location, they would be bursting into laughing given my awkwardness.

After the third try, a lot of grunts and several beads of sweat, I managed to shove it in. The pain was as expected, and I gripped the edge of the counter until I was certain I’d crack the granite.

When the agony finally subsided, I twisted in the mirror. Okay, so the tail was kind of cute. Kind of. Snatching the bowtie, I slapped it on, doing everything I could to try to keep breathing. The kitten ears were last. I’d played dress-up as a kid, but this was…


Finally, a giggle popped from my mouth. I needed to get my swagger on. I was shocked he hadn’t asked me to wear heels or little stockings with bows on them. Maybe that came later. After taking a series of deep breaths, I left the bathroom, waiting for a few seconds before I turned off the light.

I’d never been a model, had always hated my curvy body. I’d been called fat in high school although I’d known better. It had been the end of the era of stick thin was better but it seemed no one at my high school had gotten the memo.

However, I refused to be ashamed of what I was doing, the deal I’d made or of my body.

I was surprised he wasn’t relaxing on one of the beds. He was outside as he’d been before, the bastard changing up the look, lighting torches and playing tribal music. Really?

Even before I was very close, he turned around from where he was standing, his entire face lighting up. At least he had a way of making a girl feel special.

“You are magnificent. But you seem to forget that kitties don’t walk on two legs.” He threw his hand out, telling me not to take another step closer.

Oh, my God. He really did want me to act out the part.

The man was so frustrating, but I slowly sank to my knees first, issuing a series of purrs before dropping onto all fours. I tried to envision myself as the girl I’d seen just a few hours before. She’d been more than comfortable with her role playing, and her adoration of her master.

His expression indicated he was pleased as I crawled slowly toward him. When I was close, he uttered one of his infamous growls. I acted as if I knew what I was doing, moving between his legs, managing to weave in and out. Oddly enough, the actions felt sinful and unexpectedly delicious.

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