Page 79 of Royal Mistake

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For what, I wasn’t certain.

Had I entered an alternate reality, like Survivor for Idiots? Whatever the case, as I was staring at the smug but sexy look on his face, I also knocked over my glass. Oh, the big man to the rescue. He placed his hand over mine, keeping the crystal from tumbling down, the wine splashing on every piece of food.

Instead, droplets landed on our hands. Which were tingling since he’d had the nerve to touch me. Tingling? Hell? There was an entire electrical storm going on inside the room. I could almost see sparks floating in the air.

Clearing my throat, I think I finally found my voice, although I didn’t recognize it. “I beg your pardon?”

That was shit my mother would say.

“I mean, are you fucking out of your goddamn ever-loving mind?”

Valerio chuckled in that kind of way indicating he’d won the entire round. He squeezed my hand before bringing it to his lips, licking off the drops. Boy, oh boy, the man could make anything sexual.

My heart was thudding so rapidly I thought for certain I’d have a heart attack.

“Yes, my cupcake. We are getting married. Yes, my father suggested it. However, let me remind you who texted who.”

“So, you’re saying our meeting was simply coincidental?” I stared at him incredulously. Then again, he was right in that I’d texted him. Was it being a coincidence even possible? A little farfetched in my mind. But I wasn’t certain I’d disbelieve it. But marriage? I had no idea what to think.

Or how to feel.

“I’m saying karma has a sick sense of humor.”

“Interesting,” I mused. “You know it’s generally popular for the man to ask the woman for their hand in marriage, not demand. Now, of course sometimes it can be the opposite where the woman asks. I don’t want to seem chauvinistic but never is it a demand. Unless you’re some king in a third world country and I assure you that you are no king.”

“You are so adorable when you’re feisty. Hear me out.” He sat back against his chair, wiping his mouth with his napkin before tossing it on the table. “We’ve learned something odd is occurring in both businesses. Yes?”

“Okay, fine. Yes. That doesn’t suggest anything close to marriage!” I was becoming more exasperated as the idea finally broke through the fog. He was fucking nuts.

“Well, someone or something has decided to pit our fathers against each other. At least that’s what I’ve come to determine. Since we’ve been acting like this is a game of winner takes all, bitter rivals to the end, my guess is we’re falling into the scheme this blackmailer or gameplayer put together.”

I took a deep breath, reaching for the bottle of wine I’d thankfully placed on the table earlier. “Okay. Let’s assume you’re correct; what will us getting married do to this… scheme?”

“First of all, it will throw him or her off tremendously. Totally unexpected. There was a scathing article I’ve yet to read by a not so nice reporter trying to discredit our firm and my family by name, including me. Our marriage would stop the playboy reputation in its tracks. Second, it will allow us to work together more closely to try and find clues. These threats aren’t idle and I have a feeling you know that. They are there like little breadcrumbs waiting for us to find them.”

“This is no fairytale, Valerio. And I’m no pawn. Besides, my father will never go for such a cockamamy scheme. You know it. They hate each other.”

He leaned forward and I was given another incredible whiff of his aftershave. Damn the man for smelling so good. “Do they really hate each other? I think they were friends, buddies even and something happened. I don’t know that for certain but it’s my instinct. Think about some of the things each of them has said. Whatever the rift, this blackmailer is using it against them. Dad thinks it’s a client but I think a lot of information is being fed from the real culprit or entity.”

“You’re assuming this is all about blackmail.”

“That and taking down both companies. I’m not certain if your father has been approached by a firm out of New York, but it would be worth a conversation. It would appear they’re attempting a hostile takeover with my father given the age of those on the board. We just need to figure out who has the most to lose. And gain.”

Sighing, I glanced at my way too full glass and knew I’d be consuming at least one more. Maybe two. “When I worked with my dad, he briefly mentioned he could sell the firm for a profit. He acted like someone had approached him but honestly, I never asked him any questions. The firm is his baby.”

“Maybe so but your father will want to retire at some point and with you insisting you want your own life, he certainly didn’t have anything to lose by exploring the option of selling,” he said, lifting that infamous sexy eyebrow of his. “But if your father was being strongarmed, that’s something else entirely.”

“How do you propose we go about finding all this out, genius boy?”

“Why, yes, I am a genius,” he teased. Goddamn that sultry smirk. “We act like we’re madly in love, including being seen in public together while planning a wedding. We have pictures taken, tossed out in every magazine and online newspaper that will allow our announcement. That will ruffle some feathers if nothing else, including the firm from New York. And no, I doubt they are behind the threats being made. However, bigger firms know when there’s about to be blood in the water.”

“Or they are tipped off,” I added, starting to get the bigger picture.

“Exactly. Meanwhile, we work all the angles, searching through every record to try and find this person or persons. I assure you they will come crawling out of the darkness. Roaches always do.”

Okay, I had to admit that his idea was a damn good idea but Jesus. Marrying the man? A fake marriage? As I closed my eyes, images of his naked body and chiseled face rushed into my mind. Okay, so I could do much worse. “How would this work? Name only? Getting married down here? What?”

“Well, I would prefer to have a traditional marriage and my father insists on having a huge wedding for show, but we can work out the finer details.”

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