Page 77 of Royal Mistake

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“I didn’t think you were serious but it’s obvious your corporation is in some kind of trouble.” In her hands were two drinks, but it was the look on her face highlighted by the single outside light I’d turned on that should concern me. We’d become more connected during our scene. I’d not only enjoyed the time spent, but a part of me had also been awakened as if rising from the dead.

I hoped her overhearing my conversation hadn’t destroyed what little trust had been formed. One way or another, I knew making the deal was in my family company’s best interest. But I doubted she’d see it that way.

Or give a shit.

I walked toward her and for a few seconds, I was certain she was going to scamper away but to her credit, she held her ground.

“Nothing we can’t handle, although given my father’s past health issues, his involvement makes me nervous.”

“That I can understand but I don’t like being played, Valerio. I might seem naïve to you but you’d be surprised how much I’ve gleaned from my father over all these years. You might as well spill the beans on all of it. Whatever this deal is and what you think is going on with my father. It’s obvious to me you sought me out on false pretenses. Now, I realize I texted you but knowing your connections, you learned I was the owner of the cellphone and used my mistake to your good fortune. I don’t like liars or game players, Mr. Royal. Not at all.”

I took the drink from her hand, taking a sip before responding. This time when I grabbed the back of her neck, she gave me the kind of venomous look that could set the entire world on fire. But she didn’t budge. She was one formidable little thing. “Oddly enough you forget you were the one who sought me out, not the other way around. Don’t you try and lie to me, luscious cupcake. You are a masterful game player, Ms. Michaels. Perhaps more so than I am. If I had to guess, I’d say you were a champion chess player in your youth.”

“Really? Is this how it’s going to be?”

“Business can be ruthless.” She was even more defiant and I believed her. Circumstances had brought us together. But karma was using it against us.

Or maybe for us.

That remained to be seen.

She laughed, the sound beautifully haughty. “Arrogant prick. As far as chess, wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Actually, yes, I would. However, stop thinking I lied to you. I’ve done no such thing. Was I capable of finding out who you were via your number? Yes, but I was too intrigued by the words themselves. So, I played along. I found myself far too engaged in the secretive tryst to attempt to see if you were being deceptive. Did you ever stop to think how many women have attempted to get to me in the craziest ways?”

“Why, because you’re the most eligible bachelor in the city?”

I lowered my head and she lifted hers. I did so adore toying with her. Speaking of toys. I had something special in mind for later.

As long as we hadn’t killed each other by then.

The thought was sinfully delicious. And far too enticing.

I rubbed her neck until her breathing was heavy, her eyelids half closed before I dared to kiss her.

Now she pressed her hand against my chest, caressing, not pushing. She tasted of merlot and fresh fruit, strawberries and mangos. I found those the most extraordinary tastes of all. I swept my tongue inside, holding her captive for a few precious seconds before easing back.

“Your prowess won’t get you out of this, Mr. Royal. Now, since it’s fairly late yet we haven’t eaten, I took the liberty of cutting some fruits and cheeses for us. You’re coming inside where we are going to sit down and talk like adults. I won’t accept anything less.”

This time, she did push me away, giving me a heated and very savage look. I couldn’t wait to see her in a pair of nipple clamps.

My mouth salivated from the thought.

“Yes, ma’am. And here I thought you were a feisty cupcake baker and nothing more.”

“Then you would be wrong. I do have a rather ruthless father. Just like you.” She backed away, pointing at me before heading inside.

My God. My cock was raging hard.

Laughing, I took a deep breath of the ocean air before heading inside. I was in for another surprise. She’d prepared a feast. Her artistry was remarkable, so much so I was floored for a few seconds.

She didn’t wait for me, yanking out her chair and lowering into it. After placing her wine on the table, she jerked a cloth napkin into her lap before bothering to lift her head while plucking a cherry from a platter. “Are you planning on going on a hunger strike?”

I did so enjoy our banter, but I had to admit her surrender earlier had been spectacular. I wanted more of it. I moved closer, taking the seat on the other side of the table, being just as dramatic as she’d been when tossing the napkin into my lap. I selected warm brie covered in some jam she’d found, placing the wedge and several crackers on a cocktail plate.

She took the liberty of plopping a strawberry beside it, grinning as if winning a point. “Fruit is good for you. Take a bite.”

I did and had to admit my stomach growled almost instantly. Meanwhile, she popped a grape into her mouth with flair before adding a couple of raspberries to her glass of wine. Everything she did was with flair.

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