Page 5 of Royal Mistake

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“Other than a fleabag in the worst section of town, nothing. Nothing at least that suits your budget and had been a restaurant or bakery of some kind before anyway. Maybe you should consider setting up shop in another town.”

I had a feeling she was getting tired of wasting time with me.

While I knew my glare was harsh, I was tired of her too. “Alicia. I’ve really appreciated the help you’ve provided, the time spent, but our relationship just doesn’t seem to be working out.” I kept an oh-so sweet smile on my face when I was infuriated at her lack of understanding.

No one seemed to get how much I wanted to fulfill a single dream of mine. One. Not because my mother wanted me to be a debutant, or my father wanted to mold me as a carbon copy of him. A dream for just me, the little girl who used to fantasize about being a princess swept away by a handsome knight.

Yeah, right. That was a serious pipedream.

I’d been lucky to be working with my brilliant father, building a media empire that rivaled our enemies. My salary had tripled in the two years I’d worked with him, and I’d been able to afford to do or buy anything my heart desired.

Only I’d kept myself from doing so, saving what I’d been able to, living on ramen noodles and mac and cheese.

Alicia looked hurt at first then offered the same smile I’d given her. “Very well. I did my best and I doubt you’ll find another agent who would bother trying to help you. You can let yourself out.”

As she stomped toward the door, her heels clattered on the concrete floor along the way.

When she left, I couldn’t help but give her my middle finger.

Groaning, I dropped my head into my hands. I adored coming to my local big box bookstore where the light was generous, the music soft, and the coffee plentiful. Sometimes wine.

However, even though the day had been lovely, a typical San Diego day, nothing could soothe the worry or the realization that I couldn’t afford to pay the exorbitant rent fees on a decent place if I wanted to. All the leases required a minimum of three months as a security deposit, many wanting six since so many businesses had been burned. And I’d yet to see one that hadn’t needed at least a hundred thousand dollars of renovation work, including new commercial equipment. I was screwed. I was a smart girl. I knew that if I wanted my business to be successful, I’d need a minimum of six months in savings in addition to spending all the other money required.

Not. Going. To. Happen.

“I found him.” The chirpy voice startled me and brought me out of my ugly thoughts.

Her words also caused me to wrinkle my nose. “Him? What are you talking about and how did you find me?”

“First of all, you’re a creature of habit. If you’re not at the bakery or at home getting frosting all over you then you’re sitting in this same chair, your head in your hands.”

“Fine. Why are you here interrupting my sullen mood?”

“Remember I asked if I found the perfect guy if you’d call him?” She slid into the hardback chair opposite me, her grin far too mischievous.

“I was just kidding.”

Willow wagged her finger in my face. “Oh, no, you don’t. A deal is a deal.”

“Since when?”

The hard look suddenly appearing on her face made me almost cringe. “Do you remember when you set me up on a blind date with that accountant dude who worked in your father’s office?”

Yep. I’d screwed up with that suggestion. The guy had been… scary. “How many times have I told you I’m sorry?”

She leaned over the table. “Not nearly enough.”

“So, you want me to pay for my sins?”

Her laugh made me roll my eyes. “I’m not a cruel woman. However, you really do need to get your head out of a basket of flour.”

“You don’t put flour in a basket, Willow. You use a container.”

“Whatever, so I found the perfect man. So I think. And I searched.”

“In one night, you found me the man of my dreams.”

“No, just a handsome dude you can use as a fuck buddy.”

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