Page 35 of Royal Mistake

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I glanced at my watch, the one my father had given me for graduating with my master’s degree. It was funny how neither he nor my mother had attended the ceremony, but they’d purchased me an expensive watch. “I’m shocked Dad hasn’t bugged me by now.”

“You want my advice?” Willow asked as she lifted her glass as if getting ready to propose a toast. There was nothing to celebrate at the moment, unless someone was a bit macabre, enjoying the fact a dream was crushed.

“I have a feeling you’re going to give it one way or the other.” Bella laughed.

“Now, now,” Willow snapped. “Take a day not thinking about the decision and let it come to your mind. But I would at all costs make certain you have the deal he made in writing if you agree.”

“Yeah, I will.”

“But that’s not what’s really going on here. Is it?” The uptick in Willow’s voice pushed another giggle from Bella’s mouth.

“I just told you.” I took a more careful sip of the wine, trying to savor the flavor.

“Nope. That’s not going to fly. More texts from the hottie?” Willow teased.

“I was working yesterday. Remember?”

The way they glanced at each other was far too knowing.

Bella even folded her arms around her voluptuous breasts. “Spill it. You met him. Didn’t you?”

I knew coming out to lunch with the girls would make me feel better. I couldn’t help myself, giggling myself as I whipped out my phone, navigating to the chest picture. But not before catching sight of a brand-new text he’d sent not twenty minutes earlier.

The Lone Ranger: How’s the hot girl today?

Oh, shit.

“Well, I felt it prudent after he sent me this.” The moment I showed them, their squeal sounded off inside the atrium-style restaurant as if bottle rockets had been set off.

“Holy shit. You met Mr. Hottie?” Bella almost choked before grabbing her margarita, which of course had to be another reminder of my humiliating night.

“Why, yes, I did. He came to the event and let me tell you, the man helped me sell every last cupcake.” Now I had a gleam in my eye. It was funny how I could switch from one emotion to the opposite end of the spectrum in two seconds flat.

“Whew.” Bella could fan her face like no one else.

Willow knew me far too well. “What else?”

“What? Nothing. He was a perfect gentleman.”

“Really?” She shook her head. “Nope. I don’t buy it in the least. Spill it, girl.”

I couldn’t help but chew on my lower lip. “Well, let’s just say we went out for a nice drink, a couple margaritas on the beach. We had a really good time.”

“And…” Bella pushed, even poking me on the arm.

“And he took me home.”

“Pfft. Don’t try that shit with your best friends or else.”

I didn’t take Willow’s threats lightly. “We took a drive. Okay? Happy? We might have kissed.” A lot.

“I’m curious. What does he drive?” Bella’s grin was terribly infectious.

“A quarter-million-dollar sleek black Maserati. With nice leather seats and a stereo to die for.”

At least I wasn’t the one with my mouth stuck open as if wanting to attract flies.

“Whew, girl. You landed one. Please tell me the two of you are going out again.” Bella had returned to fanning her face.

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