Page 24 of Royal Mistake

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Whew, I was unusually hot.

After blinking several times, I forced myself out of my ridiculous state of mind. “Yeah, well, it comes with the fact I’m working in customer service.” I managed to grab most of the money, trying to stand even though my legs were shaky. As he rose to his full height, I found myself glancing up and up and…

Yep. He was tall, at least six foot three or four. It was tough to say given the concrete pad my little stand was on was sloped.

“I would have decked her,” he continued as he placed the money carefully on the table. His comment forced me to laugh.

He laughed with me.

“Would you like to purchase a cupcake?” I asked after a few seconds of awkwardness. “I have a yummy red velvet, a sizzling buttercream, and the most luscious blueberry surprise treat you’ve ever experienced.”

“You have a way with words. I think I need to try that blueberry one right now.” His grin highlighted two perfect dimples.

I tried to act as if his big, bad presence didn’t bother me, taking my time to find the right little box.

“Oh, no. I’ll eat it right here,” he said in an even deeper voice.

“Oh, okay.” The guy was odd but whatever floated his boat. I placed what I hoped to be the delicious treat on a napkin, pushing it across the table. I couldn’t help but hope this was the man. The Lone Ranger. Couldn’t be. Good things didn’t happen to bad girls. Right?

The light breeze allowed me to gather the scent of his aftershave and I’d be damned if I wasn’t swooning. There was a dash of citrus, a dazzling hint of deep timber, and more than a sprinkle of exotic spices. Wow.

He grabbed it quickly, peeling the paper cup aside and in one bite, pretty much consumed the entire cupcake. I was shocked. And impressed.

As he munched, his eyes rolled back in his head. The sounds he was making, as if he was having the most incredible orgasm almost immediately drew attention.

He’d consumed the entire cupcake in the blink of an eye, and I was fearful my mouth was open enough it would draw in flies. When I noticed he had icing in the corner of his mouth, threatening to drop to his chin, I involuntarily gathered the sticky goo with my finger.

I had every intention of grabbing a napkin but before I had a chance, he wrapped his massive hand around my wrist, lifting my arm. He wasn’t a man of hesitation at all, slipping my finger into his mouth and sucking with the same kind of fervor and growling noises he’d made before.

‘Holy crap’ were the two words that came to mind.

The crowd was building.

Women panting.

A few moaning.

A couple doing God knows what with their hands.

And me? I was wet and hot all over, the throbbing deep in my pussy catching me so off guard, I couldn’t focus.

Only when he pulled my finger from his mouth with a decided popping noise was the spell broken.

For everyone.

“I’ll have what he’s having. How about a dozen,” a woman said, fanning her face.

“Me too,” another said.

“Make that two dozen for me and please dear God, including whatever frosted goodness that hulk of a man consumed.”

Their voices were full of raucous sin and longing, which pulled another group of women toward the table.

Now the gorgeous mystery man was grinning. He knew exactly the trouble he’d caused, although I was giddy inside since I had a feeling the cupcakes would sell out quickly. If only he were in a sexy apron, I had a feeling I could sell an igloo to an Eskimo.

Down, girl. Down.

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