Page 21 of Royal Mistake

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Cupcake: Down, big boy. Down…

Me: I need a picture to know you’re telling me the truth.

Cupcake: That will only happen if you’re a very good boy. Can you be a good boy, Lone Ranger?

Me: Oh, trust me. I can be very good indeed.

I snickered from the thought. Why was it a stranger had managed to slip so tidily under my skin when I didn’t even know what she looked like?

I’d be damned if she didn’t quickly and easily find a whip emoji. I hadn’t even known they existed.

I was still laughing as I headed into the dining room, quickly noticing the area was filled with old white-haired guys. While the two of my brothers and I had been inducted into membership at early ages, I made a mental note to myself to terminate the yearly contract when I returned home.

My father wasn’t laughing, instead staring at me as I approached. I quickly slid into my seat, forced to lift my arms so the way too young waitress could place my cloth napkin on my lap.

As if I couldn’t do it myself.

Still, the action delayed my required chat with dear old Dad.

Almost immediately, a scotch was placed in front of me at my father’s instructions. When the two wait staff members finally floated away, I leaned over the table. “I guess our conversation is serious if I’m drinking scotch for lunch on a Saturday.”

We’d had a tumultuous relationship since I’d been yanked from my mother’s womb, but over the years, it had grown caustic.

“Yes, son. It is. I hate that I require your attention but since you refuse to return my calls, I felt I had no other choice.”

I wasn’t in the mood to allow the man to goad me. “Get to the point.”

“The point is that you have a decision to make.”

As I shifted the thick tumbler glass back and forth, I studied his face. He was more tense than usual. However, he was dressed in golfing attire, the only other acceptable form of clothing allowed in the dining areas. “And what would that be?”

“I’ve asked you repeatedly to spend more time at the office working in your capacity as vice president and chief operations officer, yet you refuse.”

“If I seem to remember, it was supposed to be in name only. You are aware I never cared about your media productions firm.”

“Painfully aware, but as firstborn, you are required to follow in my footsteps.”

I wanted to laugh in the man’s face. He’d always acted as if there was some unknown rule predicating his ridiculous tactics. “I have no intention of it.”

“No? Well, I guess I’ll pass on the entire business to Braxton instead. Of course, that will mean you’ll need to give up your interest in the company, your stocks, and of course, your bonus every year. However, if you agree to my terms, you will have the full rein of the company within eighteen months and quite frankly, you can do with the corporation what you want.”

Why did my father feel the need to play games? His tactics were getting old. I sat back in my seat, swirling my drink before taking a sip. “First of all, Pops, I have two thriving businesses already. And second, I know you too well. You have no intention of simply handing me over your billion-dollar firm.”

“Don’t be silly, boy. You’re forty-two years old and you’ve yet to take life seriously. While I understand you had an excuse at an early age to act as if rules didn’t apply to you, you’ve been healthy for a very long time and you need to stop taking risks.”

What the fuck risks was he talking about? It had been years since I’d indulged in all the risky adventures I used to love. I missed them but I was far too busy.

“This is all about the bad actors and the reporter, yes?”

He took a sip of his drink. I’ll be damned if his hand wasn’t shaking. “Pissant. This has to do with our reputation.”


“I’m curious, Pops. Have you had any threats lately?”

He laughed but almost immediately glanced away. “It wouldn’t be a day in our world without being threatened. You know that better than almost anyone.”

Yeah, he was right. Threats weren’t limited to criminals or politicians we highlighted either. Hell, my father had experienced a famous actress stalking him, even wielding a knife like she was playing out some movie role for a femme fatale.

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