Page 2 of Royal Mistake

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My lover.

My savior.

My master…



The fantasy always seemed so real, or maybe it was just wishful thinking.

At least I had a vivid imagination.

A single bead of perspiration trickled down between my breasts, my pussy throbbing just like in the fantasy. Geez. I was hot and wet all over.

“Earth to Selena.”

“What?” I jerked up my head, cognizant that the same oppressive heat had rushed to my face. Here I was sitting in the middle of a crowded bar with hot yet arrogant men all around me and I was somewhere else. I blinked as Bella tilted her head in my direction, amused that she’d been right.

She pointed her finger at me, laughing softly.

“She’s envisioning Mr. Perfect again, a fantasy man every girl would want and one that doesn’t exist. Just look around. If you find a perfect man in this place, I’ll give you a million dollars.” Willow Rivers was a dear friend, one of my oldest in the world. She knew all my darkest secrets, including the fact I’d always hated my body. My mother said I had an hourglass figure just like her. Meanwhile, I’d wanted to be stick thin just like my friend who could eat anything and everything she wanted. If I did, I’d be a blimp.

But I adored her effervescent personality and lust for life. She was the kind of girl men looked at, just like they were doing now. Lucky bitch. We’d gossiped about boys, imagining the perfect man all through our years in college.

And she was right. They didn’t exist.

I should know, Miss Dateless for years, my last boyfriend a complete freak of nature.

“You don’t have a million dollars,” Bella teased.

“I could get it if I wanted.” Willow flicked her hair over her shoulders as she used to when she was interested in a boy.

Hissing like a furious cat, I tossed my napkin at her. “I’m right here.”

“Uh-huh,” both girls said at the same time.

“I was. We were talking about…” Ah, hell. I had no clue what our conversation had been about. God, I was pathetic, living in pipe dreams and frosting. At least owning a cupcake business might make me happy.

As long as I didn’t eat the product.

Fuck me.


That was my life in a nutshell.

“Our little pervert,” Willow teased.

“You are such a bitch,” I told her, but she could always make me smile.

“A-hem,” Bella chided. “We were talking about what seems like a very irrational decision and you’re not getting out of talking about it.”

“Oh, that,” I said under my breath and took a sip of my drink.

“Let me get this straight,” Willow asked from the other side of the table. “You left a three-hundred-thousand-dollar job in your father’s company to work at a local bakery for what, ten bucks an hour?”

I glared at my friend for a few seconds. I’d already chastised myself for quitting one day out of the blue when I’d had a solid three-year plan. On top of everything, I’d ignored my father’s recent calls. I was a bad daughter.

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