Page 122 of Royal Mistake

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His grin remained. “I knew that bitch you decided to keep like a stray was trouble. I’m sorry she didn’t die in that accident. But I guess love is a many splendored thing. Molly was blindsided by it, stupid wench.”

“Be careful how you talk about my fiancée, Timothy. How sad. You really were using her.” I pointed the gun at his head this time, issuing a slight warning.

“Easy,” Gage hissed. What my brother didn’t seem to understand was that I was now having fun with my portion of the game, including that I’d hit record on my iPhone before walking in.

Snorting, he studied me intently. “Molly was a naïve idiot if she thought I was in love with her. I love my wife. We have plans.”

“Too bad you aren’t going to be spending any time with her and those plans will need to be altered.”

“You can’t prove anything, Valerio. All your father had were suspicions.”

“Hmmm… However, you tried to kill my fiancée.”

“Why would I do that? I knew about the accident from the news but why would I bother with something so… tedious?” The bastard really thought I couldn’t see right through him?

Now I was getting pissed. I moved around on the other side of the bed, now standing only a few feet away. I lowered the weapon but still kept it in both hands. I could feel both my brothers becoming nervous behind me. I didn’t blame them.

I was about to become unhinged.

“Because you were worried she was digging. Because you knew the work she’d done with her father’s business and that she was tenacious, refusing to allow her father to get hurt. You hadn’t counted on her returning to the fold in any capacity.”

Timothy huffed. “She’s a baker. Why would she concern me in the least?”

“The dominoes were getting ready to fall, including that Janice was pushing you. So you know, I had DMV records checked. It would seem your father-in-law owns a big black SUV. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s back in the man’s garage but damaged.”

For the first time, there was a nervous twitch on one side of his mouth.

“Given your in-laws are on an extended trip in Greece, you thought you had enough time to have the vehicle fixed. By then you’d be safely on your way to a no extradition country. Right? I mean, you have the millions stolen from my father, now the company I own with my two brothers. Coupled with a hefty finder’s fee from Harbour Enterprises, you could live more than comfortably for the rest of your life. Right?”

“You’re insane.”

There’d been times in my life when I’d been so angry I’d either overreacted or hadn’t thought about the consequences. I’d believed I had my reasons, even good ones. But at this moment, I could see so clearly that it horrified me.

The fucker deserved to die.

By my hands.

I’d always been considered dangerous, unpredictable. Certainly brutal in my business efforts. But I felt a remarkable calm, Selena’s face crossing the forefront of my mind.

I felt the monster inside of me break free of his chains, the tenuous hold I’d had preventing me from crossing the one line I could never recross ready to be demolished.

Without hesitation or any additional forethought, I did so, smashing the barrel of the weapon against Timothy’s head several times.

I knew my brothers were advancing, could feel hands trying to pull me off seconds later. But I was a force to be reckoned with, tossing the weapon then wrapping both my hands around Timothy’s neck. I’d heard about men and women finding superhuman strength, like being able to lift a vehicle off a pinned victim.

Or breaking free of chains when absolutely necessary.

This was something else entirely as I lifted him a solid six inches off the floor, using my brute strength and rage to do so. It would be easier and cleaner to shoot him but what was the fun in that?

And where would the satisfaction be?

As he started to turn purple, gurgling at the mouth as he tried ineptly to fend me off, my brothers were clawing my arms. I heard them, their pleas to stop but the sound was muffled.

There were rumbles and I sensed we were no longer alone.

“Put him down, Mr. Royal. We got this. We got this.”

I didn’t care the police had arrived, although I knew Gage had arranged it.

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