Page 112 of Royal Mistake

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I have suspicions that someone in my firm is working with an outside firm to gain control of my company. I also have some proof that your company is being targeted as well. I think we need to meet and talk. I’ll show you what I have then. Call me.

What the hell?

After taking a deep breath, I realized my hand was shaky. I grabbed my phone, trying to figure out who to contact first. My father. Right now. He could be in more danger than I knew. I dialed his office, knowing I’d get his assistant, Molly.

As expected, my father’s extension rang and she was the one who answered.

“Caldwell Michaels’ office.”

“Molly. This is Selena Michaels. I need to speak to my father right now.”

She snorted as if I was an idiot. We’d never gotten along because she’d believed I’d taken her job as office manager. “I’m sorry, Selena, but your father doesn’t want to talk to you. He’s made that very clear.”

“Put him on the phone right now. I do mean right now. This could be a matter of life and death.”

“I will be happy to relay your message, but I can’t say that will matter.”

“Fine.” You bitch. “Tell him I am forwarding him an email from his dead former friend Sebastian Royal. Tell him his life could be in danger.”

“Why, surely. I’ll tell him.”

She ended the call and if I could, I’d smash her head against a table. Damn it. After tossing the phone, I shifted my attention back to the computer, allowing my fingers to fly while I sent forwarded the message to his private email. Maybe, just maybe he’d look.

I was panting as I continued searching through the other files, loathing the fact we hadn’t connected the laptop to a printer yet. The deeper I delved into the saved information, the worse Sebastian’s certainties became.

Then I found two names that by all rights shouldn’t be connected together.

“Oh. My. God.”

Barely able to breathe, I snatched my phone all over again. This time dialing Valerio. It immediately went to voicemail but there was something odd about it, clicking noises. Shit. I tried a second time. Same thing. I couldn’t even leave a message.

This couldn’t wait. I was certain of it.

Especially if Valerio opened his mouth to anyone about the poisoning. Oh, God. I flew out of my chair to grab my shoes and my purse. To hell with an escort. This was something I needed to do on my own.

And I would.

I would save the man I loved.

As I flew out the door, I tried one more time, finally getting through at least to leave a message.

Or so I hoped.

“Valerio. I’m on my way to see you. Call me. I know who betrayed your father.”


Now, standing outside the medical examiner’s building seemed surreal. As if the entire world had changed in a matter of minutes.

“What now?” Braxton asked.

“Fuck if I know,” I answered, which sadly was the truth. First of all, I would find out where the hell my father had gotten his various drinks, and have a few samples tested. It couldn’t hurt.

“What if we’re next?” Gage asked, which I knew was something all three of us had on our minds.

“And the wedding?” Braxton added.

A caterer was being used, which meant it was entirely possible to contaminate a source. “I don’t know yet. I need to think this through. In the meantime, I think Selena is close to being able to get into the secure files she found on Pops’ computer. I’m headed back to the house.”

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