Page 28 of Leo, My Partner

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Page 28 of Leo, My Partner

“It’s finally time you get what you deserve.” Hudson whipped out a small aerosol container, and a stream of liquid pelted Zack’s face.

Zack didn’t even have a chance to respond before the water bottle fell from his hand and he collapsed on the ground.


Roger is behind it all.

The text had lit up Naya’s phone screen five minutes ago, and she hadn’t been able to check the locks on the doors enough times. Zack was on his way.

He’d get here before Roger could think of sabotaging her in her house again. Right? She redialed Zack’s number, but it went straight to voicemail.

She called Ingram, but her friend’s voicemail came over the line too.

What if something had happened to them?

Naya rolled her shoulders. “Stop it. Overreacting is not going to change the situation.” She might have only been talking to empty air, but the confession slowed her heart rate.

Lord, I need Your direction.

If Zack really was in danger, she needed a clear head. The thought of anything happening to him sent a wave of nausea rolling through her stomach.

Naya wanted to be honest about her feelings. She wanted to be part of Zack’s life.


To make that desire a reality, she needed to find Zack first. Naya pulled up the Eastside Firehouse number with a quick Internet search. One of Zack’s buddies might have seen him.

The garage door whined in the background and Naya paused.

Ingram was home.

Thank the Lord. She’d be able to help.

Naya hung up. She’d wait until she filled Ingram in on the details, then they could go to the firehouse in person. The door opened and Naya hurried to the kitchen. “Thank goodness you’re back. I think Zack’s?—”

Naya rounded the corner and skidded to a stop in the entryway. Ingram stood by the counter with a gag over her mouth. Her pupils were dilated, eyes wide. Her hands were tied behind her back.

Naya’s focus flitted between her friend and the man who closed the door behind them. He turned around with a scowl plastered on his face. “Mr. Roger Callahan.”

His gray hair was spiked, and his eyes narrowed. The dark blue suit he wore was pressed in all the right places. His appearance was much different than the distraught man outside his house, worried for his wife.

“So we meet again.” He moved to Ingram’s side, and Naya caught sight of the gun he held snug to her friend’s back. “It was really nice of Ms. Chacko to drive me here for our meeting.”

So he was using his employees. Naya balled her hand.

“Throw that phone over here. Now!” Callahan swung the gun.

Naya couldn’t afford to make a wrong move. Not when Ingram’s life was on the line. Naya flicked her wrist, and the phone skittered across the floor. “We have friends who will notice if we disappear.”

“Not if it’s an accident.” Roger slammed his heel against the device, shattering the screen.

Naya studied the pair. “What do you want?”

“Ingram here was trying to get into Will’s office. It’s a shame all his work stuff is confidential information.” Roger pushed Ingram farther into the kitchen.

Did anyone else besides Zack know Roger was behind the attacks? She should have stayed on the line to talk with someone at the firehouse. Now she was trapped in her own house with a madman. She needed to find a way to get herself and Ingram out of here.

She scanned the kitchen counter. A block of knives sat by the stove. If she inched to the right, she could snag one, but the weapon would only be useful up close.

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