Page 94 of Game Night: Truth or Dare
“It will always be your business.” Luka spoke the words softly but with purpose. “Our history will make sure of that. And no matter how many times you keep telling yourself you’re too busy for a relationship, we both know that’s one of life’s greatest excuses. You don’t want me to move on, but you can’t admit it to either of us.”
CeCe huffed and shook her head. “How do you know what I want?”
“Because underneath that feigned indifference and your ‘I’m too busy for a complication’ mantra, your body language betrays you.”
She turned away and stared out the passenger window. “You’re just like Tom.”
Luka ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “Who’s Tom?”
“The guy in the book you gave me. He sent Eleanor mixed messages all the time.”
“And you think that’s what I’ve been doing? Sending mixed messages?”
CeCe looked his way. “You said you didn’t want me, yet here you are.”
“That’s not what I said, and you know it. But to be clear—I told you I didn’t want casual, but instead of addressing that, you take off for the weekend with that idiot geologist to what…make me jealous?”
“Do you hear yourself, Luka? I’ve never tried to make you jealous. Why would I? Nick is just a friend.”
“Yeah? Some friend he turned out to be.”
CeCe folded her arms over her chest. “Some days, I really don’t like you very much.”
“Just some days?”
Luka’s question went unanswered. He expected her to open the door and take off inside, but she leaned her head back against the headrest and sighed.
“Some days, I can handle, but if it’s most days, we’re in trouble. I don’t want to share you with other men, and I won’t sit here and pretend otherwise.”
“And what about the women you’ve been with?”
Her words echoed around the cab of his SUV. “That’s no longer relevant. And for the record, yes, I was pissed when I found out you’d gone into the national park with Nick—and I’m not just referring to your blatant disregard for the weather conditions. So please don’t pretend you’re confused. You’re a discerning woman, and this ‘I have no idea what’s going on’ bullshit doesn’t suit you. But I’m not going to chase you, CeCe. If you want me, you know what to do.”
“And as for the book, Eleanor sent mixed messages of her own.”
“Yes, well, she had cause.”
“Don’t we all?”
CeCe reached for the door handle. “Okay, this is one of those days where you’re really pissing me off.” She jumped from the cab and shut the door before he had time to react.
“Hey, CeCe?” Luka called after her as she headed for the packing shed. She turned. “Where’s my goodnight kiss?”
CeCe showed him her middle finger and stormed off.
Chopper Guy
After sleeping badly, CeCe stirred just before dawn, her shoulders tense and sweat trickling between her naked breasts. She lay in bed until long after Ned’s rooster started its racket, worrying about her sales targets and what she should—and shouldn’t—have said to Luka two days before.
After a long hot shower, she picked up her phone to check her texts as she strolled through to her bedroom.
Luka:You still pissed at me, or is it one of those other days?