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Page 18 of Game Night: Truth or Dare

She had a list of questions about where they were, what arrangements were being made, why they were running, and where they were going. However, before she could begin to ask, Colonel Schuh left after giving orders to the guards outside the door.

"This certainly isn't an upgrade from the last base," Dr. Phillips said, claiming one of the chairs. "And I'm still not clear on why we had to leave the last base. Especially when it appears that we're the only ones who were evacuated."

"There was only one high value target on the base," Ae-cha said, her gaze still fixed on Angela. "With her gone, there's no reason to attack."

"But there was no evidence of an attack," Dr. Phillips protested. "We left without any problems and they don't seem tobe concerned about dropping us here for however long it's going to take. Hopefully not too long, the conditions here are horrid."

Private McBride couldn't stop the glare she leveled at the psychiatrist. Zoric's arms tightened around her, like he thought she was going to leap up and attack the doctor, and she realized her entire body had tensed.

"You're right," Angela said, her voice poisonously sweet. "I'm certain the powers that be are very concerned about your comfort. And the men who gave up their room so we didn't have to wait out in the sun or the mess hall are just incredibly embarrassed that the accommodations aren't better."

She's the first person you should sacrifice when you run,the voice in the back of her head told her.You'll have a chance to get away soon.

Zoric's arms tightened around her and, somehow, Angela knew he'd heard the voice.

Chapter 14

Zoric couldn't feel another Bond for Angela but he was certain that the voice in her head wasn't her own subconscious.

What he'd seen in her memories had sent chills down his spine and the conversation with Ae-cha while she'd been asleep hadn't helped. They both had associations with the winged shadow that had brought Angela so much joy, and none of them were good.

He was also certain Ae-cha hadn't told him everything she knew.

If he was fair, he also hadn't told her everything he knew, either, but he had no idea how much of his own information was rumor, conjecture, or horror stories to keep young Chelion inline.

The Elite, his faction of Chelion, had few written records. What existed was often recorded memories, written decadesafter the fact, by Chelion who did not want to lose what knowledge they had to time or a loss of personnel.

As such, they had no record of the creature that could cast the shadow that Angela associated with safety and happiness. He knew that, as a child, it had been a threat. As an adult, it had been the sad delusions of a psychopath;’85, when his late and unlamented master would attempt to stretch and grow the vestigial lumps on his shoulders.

He'd always been certain that aspirations of wings were a fantasy the monster had long since talked himself into. There had always been the possibility that others of his kind had them but the closest he'd ever managed had been two very sad, very weak featherless chicken wings. A grotesque mutation which had not survived his next skin shed.

If Ae-cha and her people had records of it being possible…

What's wrong?Angela asked him.

She was leaning against his chest, her eyes closed, and he realized her exhaustion wasn't entirely an act. While she'd been woken from a sound sleep by the sudden certainty that they were under attack, she hadn't truly gotten enough sleep yet.

More questions than answers,he told her.And more mysteries than I expected.

How many mysteries did you expect?

He sent her a mental shrug.None, actually. I expected most of this to be fairly straight forward.

What changed?

Nothing,he answered. I just hadn't met you yet. When I did, I had to change my assessment of the situation.

It was an answer designed to reassure her and it had the benefit of being the truth. He hadn't had an accurate picture of what he was walking into when he volunteered to help. His decision to volunteer wouldn't have changed but he might have been better prepared.

Assuming one could be prepared for a surprise as big as his Bond with Angela.

I'd argue that I'm not a mystery,she sent.But I'm not convinced I'd be telling the truth right now.

He could hear the uncertainty in her mind and pulled her closer to his chest.

"What I'd like to know," Ae-cha said into the awkward silence that had descended on the room, "is how anybody knew that Private McBride was at that particular facility."

"What do you mean?" Zoric asked.

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