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Shoving that mother-daughter dagger deeper into Nova’s heart, Gail turned and stumbled her way out of the bedroom. She didn’t bother to look back and the booze refused to let her realize what she just said and how much it hurt Nova.

Before Nova could react to the evil (but way too familiar) comment, her phone lit up and vibrated.

How long has it been?

Her heart raced. Her mouth went dry. Her entire body fell numb. She sat there, frozen, only a few seconds away from the call being thrown to voicemail.


Novaleigh Wendy Vida!

Nova blinked fast and her left hand finally shot out and grabbed the phone. She licked her lips, then swiped her thumb to answer the call from…

“Linc,” she spoke, almost breathless.

Instantly her cheeks felt red-hot. She looked over her shoulder at her window. The crack again.

“Nova,” Linc’s voice said.

Deeper than the darkest part of the ocean. Yet instantly soothing.

“Nova, are you there? You called for me? Hello?”

Her bottom lip quivered. Her teeth actually chattered for a second.

“Linc,” she repeated. She closed her eyes. Stop saying his name! “I called you… I need your help.”

“What kind of help?”

Nova heard the protective tone in Linc’s voice. Yet she knew… oh, she knew… one step closer to that world… to go near that motorcycle club…

“It’s Nick.”

“Your brother. He still ending up in trouble all the time?”

“Yeah,” Nova said. She had a sense of comfort and home hitting her. “This time though… he’s missing.”


“It’s been a couple days. My mother is freaking out. Trying to drink herself to death. You know how it goes with her.”

“Wait, back up a second, Nova. Nick is missing? How do you know for sure?”

“I don’t. I’m trying to calm my mother down. I don’t think the police can or will help. Nick is an adult now. He can do what he wants. I just…” Nova swallowed hard. “He never does this. He’ll disappear for a little bit but he always comes crawling back home. When he runs out of money, food, or booze. When he needs something.”

“Maybe he met a woman. Maybe he hit the lottery.”

“I know what you’re trying to do, Linc,” Nova blurted out. “Keeping your distance. Like we agreed. I get it. Do you think I would be calling if it wasn’t serious? And I’m talking… really serious?”

“I’m not sure you know what serious is, darling,” Linc whispered.

Nova’s heart fluttered.

“Linc, I know I shouldn’t have called. I’m panicking too here.”

“Fuck,” Linc said. “There’s nothing that can be done tonight. Right now. You have to trust me on that.”

“Okay. So what does that mean then, Linc?”

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