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At the next stop sign, Nova chose not to stop and quickly turned to the right. The pickup truck made the same move.

“Shit,” Nova said.

She turned left. So did the truck. Turn after turn, the truck mimicked Nova’s driving. She finally decided to call Linc. Whoever this guy was, he was going to catch the beating of a lifetime. All over a stupid stop sign? Nova waiting ten seconds instead of two?

“Fuck you, dude,” Nova whispered. “This is your fault, not mi…”

Nova’s back window suddenly shattered. She screamed and dropped her phone. She cut the steering wheel left to right, shaking, realizing that the guy behind just shot out her back window.

Now terrified and scrambling, Nova’s mind raced. It raced so hard her vision went blurry for a few seconds. In those few seconds, the pickup truck behind her darted to the left into the oncoming lane and sped up, getting right next to Nova.

Her instinct told her to drop down. She didn’t take her foot off the gas pedal. She didn’t hit the brakes.

The pickup truck moved to the right, bumping into Nova’s SUV. The pickup truck guided Nova right off the road.

Nova had zero chance to think… or to protect herself…

Chapter Thirty-Four

The One-Thirty-Eight

Linc had his hands wrapped around a slightly sweating glass half full of beer as he just stared ahead at nothing. Cyrus sat next to him and flagged down Maggie for a shot of whiskey. She offered one to Linc. He declined.

“Want to talk about what you did back there?” Cyrus asked.

“I saved Nova’s brother. End of discussion. I should have went with her just now. Followed her.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“She wanted the moment to herself. With her brother. And mother. It’s complicated shit.”

“Most family is, Linc,” Cyrus said.

Linc glanced at Cyrus.

Don’t bring anything up now, Prez, Linc thought.

“Look, I know you love that woman. It was written on your face the second she showed up. You two have a past. Now you found your way back to each other. If we weren’t such asshole outlaws, it would make for a good love story.”

“I think it’s okay for the bad guys to fall in love,” Linc said.

Cyrus laughed. “You say mushy shit like that too loud and you’ll find yourself without a patch and a cut.”

“The only way the cut comes off is if I’m dead,” Linc said.

“Cheers to that,” Cyrus called out. He stood up and whistled. “Everyone shut the fuck up!”

Priest whistled too, except his sounded like a damn grizzly bear ready to attack. Nobody really knew where Priest came from. He was built different. And everyone who met him was convinced he had two sets of vocal chords with the sounds he could make.

The entire clubhouse fell silent. They all stared at Cyrus.

“Just wanted to say I appreciate everyone’s support through some of this shit going on,” Cyrus called out. “It’s not easy. The road isn’t a straight line. But we’re always here. And we’re not going anywhere. Someone put a bullet in our VP’s shoulder and he fucking acts like nothing happened.”

“Linc the legend!” Darrow hollered.

They all started chanting Linc’s name. Four of the deecees there all lifted their shirts and shook their tits. Linc lifted his beer glass and nodded.

“But nobody sit back and relax just yet,” Cyrus said. “Top priority now is finding out who tried to take out our VP.”

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