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She loved him.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

The Choice

The detective stood with an axe resting against his shoulder. A flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, detective badge hanging off his left jeans pocket.

“You fucked me, Mark,” the detective said. “Oh, you fucked me.”

“I did not fuck anyone,” he replied. “I gave you intel and that was that. Why the fuck didn’t you bring everyone with you? No offense, but are you…”

He pointed to the badge.

The detective looked and smiled. “Oh, you’re questioning me now? Fine. Turn around. Hands behind your back. I’ve got you pinned on half a dozen crimes. Maybe more. You want to turn on your club then? Behind bars? You’ll be dead in a day. That’s fine. I don’t fucking need you.”

He watched the detective swing the axe down and smash it into a tree stump. He noted the lack of strength. He knew right now—right fucking now—he could lunge and get the axe and end this craziness. It was never supposed to be like this. This all felt wrong now.

He wondered if the detective even had permission for this shit. Or maybe the case had been pulled or closed and this detective had a hard-on for the club. Maybe one of the guys fucked his wife or something.

“You’re thinking about grabbing that axe,” the detective said. “Plunging it into my chest. Or stomach. Maybe taking one of those horror movie swings and seeing just how easily you could chop my head off. You think I haven’t dealt with pricks like you? I’ve built a career off of it. You think I don’t have secondary things in place? Fuck, Mark, for all you know, you’re dancing for the camera right now. How about that? I can just release the footage. What would Cyrus do to you?”

He lunged for the detective. The detective jumped back, grabbed the axe, and smashed the non-sharp top into his gut. He stumbled back. The detective lifted the axe into the air.

“I’ll split your fucking skull like a piece of wood,” the detective said. “No love loss for anyone. Nobody will care or miss you.”

He remained hunched over, holding his stomach, gasping for a decent breath.

“I fucking told you what was going to happen,” he said. “And it fucking did. They were there. They were fucking there in that house!”

“They had a lookout,” the detective said. “I wasn’t born yesterday, Mark. I saw her sitting and watching me. I saw her run toward the house and then leave. And then she fakes breaking down in the middle of the road. The only reason I didn’t arrest her was because I heard the motorcycles leaving. It was too late. That bitch got in the way. Who is she?”

He stood up and took a deep, fulfilling breath. “That’s Linc’s girl now. Tattooed her and everything. She’s some old flame to him. I don’t know much about her to be honest. She kind of just showed up. Linc walks around with his tongue hanging out of his mouth for her.”

“And he threw her into this?”

“Not sure,” he said, shaking his head. “That’s the fucking truth. I wasn’t there. I didn’t know she was there until they came back and started to celebrate.”

The detective took a breath. “The air is clean and crisp up here. Which is good. Helps me think. You know I went into that house and the basement. Found a guy with a broken wrist and a fucked up eye. He told me he tripped and fell over his TV. Said he didn’t want my help. Obviously he was scared to death of your club. So that’s it. It’s over. I left and… well… here we are. I came back up here ready to kill you. Or at the very least, arrest you. End this bullshit arrangement we have. Then I decided to fix some problems. See, you did give me good intel. I have to give credit where it’s due. Maybe I don’t trust you, Mark. Maybe that’s why I went there solo. Maybe this one is on me. See how reasonable I can be?”

He watched the way the detective smirked.

“Come on, let’s have a drink,” the detective said, tossing the axe to the ground and reaching for his gun. “I’ll pour.”

The detective laughed. No choice but to do what he was told, he walked up the steps and into the cabin. He expected something bad to happen, but the detective poured them each a drink.

“Cheers again, Mark,” the detective said. “You did as told.”

They downed their drink and the detective smacked his lips together.

“Now it’s time for the next step,” the detective said. “Preventing this from happening again. I know what I have to do on my end. On your end, get rid of the problem.”

“The problem?”

“The bitch. Get rid of her, Mark. Kill her.”

“What? I can’t just—”

“The fuck you can’t! You do what you’re told to do! I said to kill her. Get rid of her. I want her fucking dead. Understand? Dead! I want to hear about it. I want to feel the anger coming off of Linc. Got it? Kill the VP’s old lady. Turn the entire thing upside down. That’ll make them emotional and vulnerable.”

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