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Nova couldn’t deny it. Why even bother trying? Riding on the back of Linc’s big, powerful motorcycle, her arms wrapped around his body, her wearing his bucket helmet, leaving him without a helmet at all…? The rumble. The noise. The wind. The sense of freedom. Nova chewed her bottom lip. Hard. And between her legs…


It was that simple. And there was nothing wrong with it. At all. Linc ended up on a quiet street at a dead end. That’s where Nova’s small but cozy one-story ranch style house sat.

The original plan in life had been to buy the small house, write a bestseller, and then get a bigger house. Preferably near the beach. And then use the smaller house as her writing house. So many dreams floating in the air, feeling like they were rising up by the second, more and more out of reach.

However, what was within reach… Linc.

His motorcycle pulled into the empty driveway and he shut off the engine. When Nova climbed off the motorcycle, her legs felt wobbly. Linc put an arm around her and they walked to the house.

Nova punched in the code to unlock the door and inside they went. For some reason Nova actually worried about the condition of her house.

Was it clean enough? Did it smell okay?

Things that never crossed Linc’s mind. In fact, all he wanted to do was just be away from the clubhouse and he achieved that. For Linc, this house was heaven.

“I don’t have anything here,” Nova said. “Food and drink… I mean, there’s stuff in the fridge. But it’s been hectic. You know?”

“Has it been hectic?” Linc asked. “Watch this, darling.”

Linc pulled a phone from his pocket and started to text someone.

He looked at Nova with a smirk. “Prospects, darling. Want anything special?”

“No,” Nova said.

She swallowed hard and felt her thighs trembling again. It was so sexy to see Linc with so much power. Texting people to bring him food and drink and anything else he wanted. Linc then tucked the phone into his back pocket.

“Done,” he said.

“I think there’s something to drink in this house,” Nova said.

Linc walked toward her. Nova felt chills dance up and down her spine.

“I owe you a talk, darling,” Linc whispered.

“Or,” Nova said. She licked her bottom lip. “Or you can just take me into a hot shower and fuck me.”

Nova couldn’t believe the words as they slipped out of her mouth. She couldn’t get enough of Linc. Of his life. Of everything that came with him. No matter how dangerous it was.

Linc touched her face. Thumbs stroking her cheek. His fingers touched the back of her neck. He gave a gentle pull and lowered his mouth to hers. Nova grabbed at Linc’s leather cut. She wasted no time in sliding her hands along his shoulders to take the leather cut off. She felt the bandage, the reminder that Linc had been shot the night she called him for help.

Next went Linc’s shirt. Up and over his rock-hard body, leaving Nova sighing and touching. His wide chest. He steel-cut abs. Tracing lines down to his jeans. That’s when Linc picked Nova up and tossed her over his shoulder. He smacked her ass and then gripped tight.

And he walked through the house to find the shower…

Linc placed Nova’s hands against the cool, damp tile. His mouth nibbled at her left ear. “Don’t fucking move your hands until I tell you to.”

Nova whimpered. She felt Linc’s cock pressing against the middle of her back. Then it vanished as Linc stepped away from her. His hands touched her legs. A second later she felt Linc’s hot breath against her ass. Her toes curled.

Oh… fuck…

Linc’s tongue moved between her legs, teasing her pussy. Cutting left to right against her wetness. And then beyond… moving back. Moving up. The tip of his tongue cutting between her cheeks for a moment, leaving her gasping. And puckering.

Linc kissed the small of her back. He moved back down for another forbidden taste of Nova. Then he used the tip of his tongue and drew a line up her back, following her spine, all the way to the back of her neck.

His right hand moved around body and down between her legs, touching her achy clit. Nova jerked her hips back and groaned.

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