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He, Priest, and Cyrus all got on their motorcycles and already knew they were each going to take a different path once they cleared the end of the alley.

Better to deal with a lawyer and all that legal shit with one guy picked up instead of three. Having the President ride solo was a risk, as was the VP, but there was no option here. Something went wrong. Very wrong.

Linc and Cyrus had the same thought about what went wrong. For Priest, all he could think about was how satisfying it felt to feel Jed’s wrist snap in his hands and the feeling of Jed’s eye socket breaking like cheap drywall.

And then there was Nova…

… she darted through the neighbor’s backyard and got back to her SUV.

She started it and began to drive toward the house.

With no clue what to do next as she saw what looked like an unmarked police car or detective car coming down the street, Nova cut the wheel. She put the SUV into neutral, revved the engine, and then hit the brakes over and over to make the vehicle rock.

She then put it into park and turned it off. Instantly she began to cry and climbed out of the SUV. She ran a hand through her hair and looked up, begging for more tears.

This is insane. I am insane. I am going to go to jail. Prison. I’m going to end up in some intense, scary, women’s only prison for years…

Nova looked forward and saw a man getting out of the car. “Hey! You have to move!”

“It won’t start,” Nova called out, faking crying. “It keeps jumping and stalling out! Can you help me, sir?”

The pretty doe eyes that Nova’s mother always said would get her in trouble worked like magic.

The man—totally a detective—came rushing toward the SUV.

Nova popped the hood and the man lifted it up.

“Look, you’re in a bad spot here,” the man said. “Middle of the road. You’ve got to move.”

The man looked under the hood, touched a few random hoses and twisted a couple caps.

“Can I try it now?” Nova asked.

“Uh, yeah, sure, go for it.”

Nova got behind the wheel and turned the key. Of course the SUV started right up. The man dropped the hood shut and Nova greeted him with a giant smile through the windshield.

She stuck her head out the window. “Thank you so much, sir! You saved my life! I’m on my way to work and if I’m late one more time I’m fired!”

“Okay, get moving then, right now. Go!”

Nova nodded and put the SUV into drive. She moved slow and pretended the SUV sputtered a few times. Once she made it to the end of the street, she turned right, and then floored it.

Her heart jumped into her throat and she felt like she was going to vomit. Getting inked by Linc was one thing to take part in the outlaw life. But this… getting involved in what should have been that detective busting in and arresting Linc, Cyrus, and Priest…

Nova wondered if she was now one of the bad guys.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Gnawing Away

While Linc paced the clubhouse listening to Priest fill everyone else in on what just occurred, Nova drove just blocks away. Every few seconds she checked her mirrors, more than a little paranoid that her stunt gained her a follower with law enforcement.

She finally made that last turn toward the motorcycle club compound. Virus opened the gate for her with nothing more than a head nod. Nova felt accepted. And guilty as sin.

She parked her SUV and looked for Linc’s motorcycle. She saw it parked and she exhaled with a little bit of relief. The moment she opened the clubhouse door and rushed inside, it was like time suddenly froze.

Everyone look at Nova. Everyone. Everyone at the bar. Everyone in the clubhouse. The deecees who were serving drinks or walking around topless. Monte was bent over, ready to sink the eight ball and close out another win over Warren. Both bikers eyed Nova. She never experienced such an intense feeling before in her life.

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