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“Move,” Linc growled at Cyrus and Priest.

The three outlaws climbed down the rest of the basement steps. Down here it all began to make sense. The basement was a total wreck. Like some college dorm bachelor pad. It smelled of body odor, rotting food, and some cheap body spray in the hopes of covering it up. Video game controllers rested on the floor, along with bags of empty chips and tipped over soda cans, beer bottles, and bottles of booze.

“Look at this shit,” Cyrus said as he nodded toward a large TV screen.

On it was a video of two women with an obnoxious huge, rubbery toy, going at it…

“I’ve seen this one,” Priest said. “The blondie squirts first. Not bad.”

Then came the prize of the day. Seated on an old leather couch with his head back, eyes shut…

“Jed?” Linc asked.

“I’d assume so,” Cyrus said.

“Let’s find out,” Priest said.

He walked up to the couch and tossed the sleeping guy to the side like a toy. The guy didn’t move. A second later Priest had a wallet in his hand.

“It’s him,” Priest said, flicking a driver’s license at Linc.

Linc showed Cyrus.

“We’ve got some serious cash in here too, Prez,” Priest said.

“How much?” Linc asked.

Priest pulled out the wad of hundred dollar bills.

“That’s probably four grand,” Cyrus said.

Linc looked at Jed. He curled his lip, grabbed Jed’s shirt and started to shake him.

“You dead, you stupid fucker? Huh?”

Jed’s head rocked left to right. His eyes flickered for a second.

“Priest,” Cyrus said. “Go for it.”

Priest slammed his hand to Jed’s throat. Jed’s eyes popped open. Bloodshot and crusted.

“There’s no yellow bunny allowed in this fucking town. Where’s your stash, asshole?”

Jed tried to talk but couldn’t. Priest eased up on his grip.

“They’ll fucking kill you,” Jed whispered.

“Fuck this,” Linc said. He pointed his gun at Jed.

Priest grabbed Jed’s wrist and twisted once like he was wringing out a wet washcloth. Jed’s wrist popped and broke that quick. Before Jed could scream, Priest put a hand over Jed’s mouth.

“I’ll break bones until you die,” Priest said. “Tell me where your stash is.”

Jed nodded. He pointed to the TV. He mumbled something. Priest moved his hand.

“Behind,” Jed groaned. “My wrist is fucked. Oh, it hurts too. I need a hit. I need to chase the pain away.”

Linc sat down on the couch. “Hey, man, we’re here for you. We’re your support system now. What I mean by that…? You bring that shit into this town and this house again and we’ll kill you.”

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