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Chief Rundle flexed his jaw. “Car accident out on Wallus. Abandoned. Found plenty of that shit in the car too.”

Linc looked to the baggie of yellow bunny again. Both men sat in silence for a few extra seconds. Both deep in their own thoughts.

“I hate to be the one that repeats himself,” Chief Rundle said.

“Then don’t.”

Chief Rundle reached forward, picked up the baggie and tossed it toward Linc, forcing him to snag it out of midair.

“That was in this town, Linc. Right here. Understand? That’s not supposed to happen. We have perimeters. We have boundaries. We have rules. Agreements. Need I go on?”

Linc stood up. “Fuck yourself with your speeches, Dick. You don’t think we’re not tracking as much of this shit as we can? Tell me someone else knows about this? Huh? An accident in town with drugs in the car?”

“I handled it.”

“Handled it. How?”

Chief Rundle sat back in his chair. “Put the fucking car in neutral and eased it over the county line. Now it’s Bradmen’s problem. Not ours. They’ll find it. Find the drugs. They’ll be in a world of shit over it. Let them find out who was driving and go from there.”

“Fuck,” Linc said.

“Best option, Linc. You know it. We might catch a little heat here but all we’ve got are clean streets. Right?”

Linc didn’t respond. Didn’t nod.

“Let the guys up in Bradmen deal with this. They’ll call me. I’ll talk to Harry and settle up. Let him know we have nothing here. Offer to help out. Play the game, right? We all have roles here, Linc. And now you know yours. That yellow shit cannot be floating around.”

“For all we know the driver could have been passing through. Did you run the plate?”

“Of course I did. I even wrote down the address for you.”

“For me.”

“This isn’t my issue, Linc,” Chief Rundle said. “If you want it to be my issue, I’ll have to do things a certain way.”

“The vague threats are weak, Dick,” Linc said. “I’ll handle this. Now do you need to cuff me again and put on a show or are we all set?”

“You’re going to tuck that shit into your pocket and take the address and put it in the same pocket. Then we’re going to the door and I’m going to call you a few choice names and send you out of here. You need to turn your head and spit at me. If you hit me, I’ll arrest you. I’ll have no choice. Then you’re done.”

“I have to walk back to my ride back at Piggy’s?” Linc asked.


Chief Rundle grinned. Linc tucked the yellow bunny and the address into his pocket. He turned and put his hands behind his back.

A ride from the chief back to his motorcycle meant another walk through the station in cuffs. Good for appearances. Everyone played their roles.

All Linc wanted to do was get to the clubhouse and see Nova.

Linc parked his ride in the spot between Cyrus’s and Priest’s and ran into the clubhouse as though flames were shooting out of the roof. He found Nova sitting at the bar with two glasses in front of her.

“Getting her nice and drunk for you, Linc!” Maggie called out.

Nova turned her head and Linc saw her sweet, sexy, innocent eyes. Fuck. She should not be here. Linc looked around.

Priest and Darrow were shooting a game of pool. Slade sat across the bar, folders open, paperwork in front of him.

He looked up and nodded at Linc. Linc needed to meet with Cyrus. But first…

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