Page 9 of Naughty Professor

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Making my way back down the staircase, I give one last look around before heading back to where my office is located. The sun is starting to go down, and the day is catching up with me. I’m tired, hungry, and my feet are absolutely killing me. Of all days to wear something with a heel and not bring a pair of flats—I should know better.

When I’d left this morning, I’d been running later than I liked which meant I was rushed. I’m one of those people who have to be early or I’m late. Dean reminds me that being on time is still acceptable and okay. Though he’s an early bird too. It’s just another reason that we work together.

I make it back without further distractions. I unlock and pull open my office door, step inside and stop. Laying across my desk is a big bouquet of yellow roses. I look around, not seeing anyone or anything else out of place. I walk to the desk, leaning over to pull the bouquet to me. My nose going straight to the petals. Breathing in the flowery scent, I close my eyes and smile. There’s only one reason there would be a big bouquet left on my desk in a locked office.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. Setting them down, I pull it out to look at the screen. The message from Dean has me smiling wider.

Dean: Hey, beautiful. You still at work?

He knows I am. I’d messaged him earlier to say that I would be late tonight.

Ness: No. I forgot to tell you.

Dean: Tell me what?

Ness: I left earlier. I had to go see a man about a dog.

I can imagine the look on his face. A giggle escapes me in a rush just thinking about it. He’s too easy to get riled up.

Dean: Ness

Ness: Dean

Dean: Vanessa

Ness: Dean…

Giggling, I walk around to the front of my desk. Sitting in my chair, I pull the bouquet back to me. Inhaling the floral scent of the petals again, I close my eyes and relax back in my chair. It’s been a long day; this is just what I need.

Dean: You’re poking the bear.

Ness: Not the bear!

I can’t help the laugh that escapes me. I can practically see his reaction. I love teasing him; poking at him. It will get me punished later. But I assure you, it’s a ‘punishment’ that I will enjoy every second of.

Dean: I expect you home in fifteen minutes.

Ness: I will see if I can accommodate…

Ness: ??

I sit quietly for a few minutes, waiting on another reply. Snickering, I look up at the clock on the wall. It is time to go, I’m really done for the day. I pack up my bag, pick up the roses, and move to open my door.

I want a hot shower, snuggles with my man, and maybe at some point, food. I’m also getting a little rush to see what he’s going to do when I get home.

The walk to my car is nice. I always try to park as far away as I can, getting to stretch my legs each morning and in the afternoons. Now those days when it’s a thousand degrees outside, or it’s negative five degrees, it kinda sucks.

And yes, I park at the very back of the lot. It may not be safe to some, but I keep in mind that I usually leave well before it gets dark. So it should be safer. I have a black belt too, so I’m not actually worried about keeping myself safe.

Hitting the button on my fob, the doors unlock. I put my flowers and bag in the back seat before getting in the driver’s seat. I intentionally take the roundabout way to the house. A normal trip home will take ten minutes or less. This evening, with the sun slowly starting to wind down, bringing in the night, I turn onto the half-mile long driveway, trying to stretch out the drive a little more.

Pulling up to the garage, I hit the button to open the door. Once parked inside, I shut it back then get out of the car. I get my bag and flowers and move to the garage door. It leads into the laundry room, which is just inside the mud room. I kick off my shoes at the bench, make my way into the kitchen so I can drop my bag on the table.

I dig through the cabinets until I find my big crystal vase. I clip the ends of each stem and place them in the vase. Don’t worry, the packet the florist had added to the flowers goes in the water too. I carry the vase to the dining room, placing it in the middle of the table. It will be visible from most every room here.

With my mind on finding Dean, I pull the bobby pins from my hair and loosen the bun at the nape of my neck. As I climb the stairs, I use my fingers to brush my hair out. The long strands bouncing from the movements. I push open the bedroom door, walking in, shutting the door behind me before I realize what is happening around me.

Our bedroom is filled with a red light. The minimal light is enough to see around but doesn’t hurt my eyes. Dean stands at the end of the bed, his jeans, unzipped and loose on his hips. His head dips slightly, yet the look in his eyes…I swallow a moan. I know that look. I know it well.

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