Page 6 of Naughty Professor

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ASL should be a required course you take from the time you start school. As far as I’m concerned at least. The way it helps everyone be able to communicate—I could say the same for other languages too.

Maybe I look at ASL the way I do because I have been using ASL since I was a toddler. That’s because my mom was deaf, so not really a choice there. My dad had some hearing but chose to use ASL instead of talking in public. If he didn’t have to listen, then he was a much happier person.

After my office is empty again, I sit back in my chair and scrub a hand over my face. The University is all about letting young people make their choices and find their own path. So, I’ll sign all the drop sheets they ask me to. Who am I to say you’re making a mistake?

There’s a quick knock on my door. “Hey, Dean?”

I drop my hands and look up as the door swings fully open. My colleague, friend, and the Dean of this department, Thomas Camden, walks in.

“What’s up, Tom?”

“Caroline wanted me to extend an invite to you and the missus for lunch Saturday afternoon. We are keeping it casual, nothing too fancy. Most likely we will end up at Shoemakers Grille or Texas Roadhouse.” He grins. The man has known me for over thirty years, he knows my love of all things steak. And Texas Roadhouse is one of my favorite places to go.

“Let me ask Ness about it. I can’t say yay or nay right now. Our weekends have been planned out for a while. We might be looking at horses this weekend. Or was that for next? I can’t keep it all in my head.”

“You know, John has a few horses at his stable across the river that she may be interested in. They’re broken, very rideable. Easy to handle and a bit spoiled.”

John is his son, so I chuckle. “I didn’t know he had any for sale.”

“Yes. He got a few from a foreclosed ranch a couple months ago. He and Kari have been working their tails off to get them ready for the big sale next weekend. How about I tell him y’all are coming by this weekend at some point? If she sees one she likes, okay; if not, then maybe he can put you on the trail of a good horse or three?”

“That would be great. She’s been set on getting a horse, or two, for a while now.”

“Do you not like horses? Or do you not want to spend that kind of money right now?” His brow arches.

“No, it’s not that I don’t like them. I’m practically a city boy. We lived in an apartment when I was a kid. I had a dog. A goldfish. I know nothing about big farm animals.” Shaking my head, I continue, “As for the money, we have it, nothing will be pushed back or harmed by buying one, or the supplies they need. My girl is frugal and a little stingy.” I chuckle.

“Wish I had that problem with mine.” He winks. “Well, old man, now is a good time to learn all about them.” And with that he heads back out the door. “Let me know about this weekend.”

“Sure thing.” Shaking my head, I get up from my chair and gather up my bag and the rest of the papers I need to go over. We have a big test coming for both my intermediate and advanced classes this week. Thursday and Friday are going to be long days.

Laughter fills the air around me as I spin Ness, her sundress flaring out just enough to show off her perfectly tanned legs.

Pulling her back, I press a soft kiss to her lips. The chirping of crickets fill the evening with the sounds of nature, all while the radio plays yet another song for us. The trees that surrounded the property rustle as a soft breeze starts to cool off the hot day. It smells like rain is coming. It’s a smell I love.

“Thank you for today.”

“You’re very welcome. I’m glad you found a horse. He was a sweet boy.”

“He seemed to be drawn to you more than me at first.”

I shrug. “I’ve never really been around horses, so I think it was just that I smelled like you. He couldn’t figure me out.”

She laughs softly. “Are you sure it’s okay to get him and his friend?”

“Absolutely. I will always give you anything you want. Well, other than the ability to replace me. I am one-of-a-kind, and you can have no others similar.” Grinning, I lean in to kiss her softly.

She cups my face. “You’re a doofus. I love you, and contrary to popular belief, not all women trade up. I plan to keep my classic.”

“I love you too.” I pull back slightly. “Is that a nice way of saying you don’t want a younger model, you’ll stay with the old one?”

“You’re far from old.” She comes up on her tiptoes and kisses me. I return the kiss with interest.

“I prefer the term experienced.” I waggle my brows, laughing at the blush to her cheeks.

“Come on, let’s get the dishes done. I want to call the stable and tell them we will take both horses before they change their minds about selling.”

She hurries to scoop up the dishes from the outside table and pushes the door open. Shaking my head with a grin, I follow after her.

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