Page 87 of Shackled

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Isabella can hold her own; I know that. She’s hardly a helpless female tied to train tracks waiting for me to rescue her.

But she’s my wife. And she’s pregnant.

I’ll fucking kill them.

I get into the car, knowing I’m driving straight into a trap. I could call my brothers, but my wife is in danger. If they suspect I called anyone, they’ll fuck her over.

If they hurt her… if they harm one single hair on her head…

I get there in record time, park the car, and check my weapons. I’ve got two semi-automatics pistols, fully loaded, and a knife in my boot. I slam the door.

“Javier!” I scream. “Come out and face me, or are you going to be a fucking pussy?” Rage boils in my veins as I stomp toward the front of the warehouse. The last time I was here, I met my wife, and I dragged her home as a traitor. This time, I’ll kill the bastards who threaten her safety and bring her home as my queen.

Together, we’ll rule.

The door flies open and Javier Morales himself stands with narrowed eyes, staring at me.

“How nice of you to stop by, Lev. We have a lot of catching up to do, brother-in-law.”

“Yeah,” I say genially. “We do.” I want to see who he’s brought with him. I glance around and see no one. “You bring company?”

“No!” Isabella yells from behind him. “He’s alone because Carlos betrayed him, Lev.”

“Shut up, bitch,” he snarls at my wife. It’s at that point I stop thinking with my brain.

I close the distance between us in an instant and hit him so fast and so hard, his head snaps back. He comes up, rage in his eyes, lunging at me, but I duck and evade his punch. I come back swinging. "You don't talk that way to my wife," I growl, landing the first satisfying punch to his gut. I hit him again and again. Blood pours from his nose.

I throw Isabella a knife, and she catches the handle mid-air. Pride surges through me.He gets me good, a hard jab to my abdomen. I’m doubled over, trying to catch my breath, when he snarls at me. “You were the one that turned Carlos against me.”

I stare at him, too stunned to speak. “Me? I’ve never even met the guy.”

He grits his teeth. “It’s your fault. You came to visit your brother in Columbia. He works with my enemies and they promised Carlos more money and attention.” He spits on the ground. “If not for you, I would’ve been the most powerful cartel in the entire world.”

Wow. Isabella’s right. This asshole is a completely delusional prick.

“Your family might,” I snap, my gaze locked on his. “But with your sister in power, not you.” I hit him so hard the nerves in my hand vibrate.

The man staggers back, clutching his stomach, but I don't give him a moment to recover. I reach for a metal pipe and swing it with all my might, the dull thud of the impact reverberating through the warehouse. He drops to his knees, blood dripping from a gash on his temple.

"You made a big mistake coming here," I snarl, lifting the pipe again.

Isabella slashes at the rope that binds her wrists. She comes up behind him, her eyes blazing with a mix of fear and determination. Javier tries to crawl away, but I kick him hard in the ribs, sending him sprawling.

“That’s for hurting her.” I lift him off the floor, only to throw him down again, hard. “No mercy," I growl, and Isabella nods, understanding the gravity of our situation. Together, we are a force of nature, brutal and unstoppable.

Javier tries to get up again, but Isabella is quicker. She slashes his arm, and he screams in pain, blood spraying from the wound. He swings wildly, catching her across the face with a backhand, but I’m already there. I bring the pipe down on his shoulder with a sickening crack, and he howls in agony.

"You don’t hit my wife!" I roar.

Isabella, her cheek already swelling from the blow, moves in with cold precision. She plunges the knife into his thigh, twisting it viciously. His scream is a high-pitched wail of pure agony, and I almost feel pity for him. Almost.

"You think you can hit my wife, disrespect her, and get away with it?" I hiss, leaning close to his ear. "You think you’re stronger than we are? That you’ve won by lying about who we are and what we’ve done? You’re dead wrong."

He gurgles something unintelligible, blood bubbling from his lips. I grab his hair, yanking his head back and exposing his throat. "Do it," I command Isabella.

“You ruled with terror,” she hisses. “Your reign is over, Javier.”

Javier’s body shakes furiously back and forth with the realization of what is about to happen.

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