Page 18 of Shackled

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I blink, trying to shake the spell he has over me. It doesn’t work.

Slowly, methodically, as if he’s polishing specks of dust off a prized possession, he runs his hand down the length of my body. He starts at my shoulders, his hands hot to the touch. Down my back he goes, to the small of my back, until he gets to my ass. I watch the outline of his arousal with appreciation, his thick cock taut in his pants. I lick my lips.

Next, he runs his hands down the length of my thighs, all the way down my calves, down to my feet.

“What’s your training regimen?” he asks me, taking me by surprise. “Your body’s an absolute pillar of perfection.”

His praise warms me. I didn’t expect it.

“I eat clean. Run for cardio. Swim at every opportunity. Strength train five days a week. But really, mi querido jefe, it isn’t fair. Here I am, all naked and on display, and I can only guess at what’s beneath your clothes.”

A corner of his lips quirks up, but he doesn’t bite.

He comes in front of me and steps so close, the warmth of his breath brushes my skin. He weighs my breasts in his palms and brushes his thumbs across my nipples. I do my best but can’t completely stifle a hum of approval. My God, it feels good to be touched like this.

Thankfully, I’m good with the knowledge that I’m crazy. Most women would likely berate themselves for craving the touch of their captor. Me? I’ve never been more turned on in my life.



If Kolya, our mentor, were here, he’d warn me to watch out for this one. She reminds me of a Venus flytrap. It’ll lure you in with its sweet, seductive nectar, but when an unsuspecting insect lands on the trap, it snaps shut, ensnaring its prey before it sucks the life out of it. She’s stunning, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and yet every instinct in me tells me to turn and run in the other direction.

Kolya didn’t just train us physically, showing us how to hone our bodies to become finely tuned instruments as powerful as a weapon; he taught us mental resilience, too. In all honesty, that training’s been way more useful than the physical stuff. Any lout can teach you how to shred with macros and protein. This guy taught us how to persevere.

I’ve put his training to good use, and I’m gonna have to do it now. Because it doesn’t matter that her eyes are like molten chocolate, warm and sensual in all the best ways, framed in long, thick black lashes. It doesn’t matter that she’s so beautiful, she makes my heart ache—the kind of woman men lose their religion over and the type of body that makes them sell their souls to the devil.

It doesn’t matter that Isabella Morales is lust and sin wrapped up in a bow. I’m gonna break this woman if it kills me.

I must.

So far, she’s responded favorably to being manhandled, so that’s likely not going to work. Still, it can’t hurt to try.

She’s suspended with her arms up above her head, giving me a stunning view of her slender but sculpted back and tight, round ass that I want to lick and bite and fuck until she screams. Toned, tanned legs curved with feminine lure.And that’s just the back view.


I’ve found no evidence of anything on her, not so much as a tracking device. It really does bemuse me. I can’t believe the LSD would allow a woman of her stature and beauty out of their sight. Surely, someone will come looking for her at any moment.

Won’t they?

But no. No tracking on her phone. Nothing on her person. And even though Isabella schools her features well, she didn’t hide the flicker of pain that crossed her face when Aleks said something about her family not knowing or caring where she was.

She’s an independent woman, but there are holes in her armor… I mean to take full advantage.

Just for good measure, I do one more sweep with the tool Aleks left for me, but she’s hiding nothing.

Now that that’s over with, I get to move on to bigger and better things. First, I’ll try physical intimidation. It’s the easiest method, and something tells me she might like it.

I circle her, taking everything in. The hardened nipples and the way she bites her lip when I breathe on her. I cup her ass, my large palm holding her in place. I watch as she swallows, and her pupils dilate.

It’s so easy getting her excited. If only it were this easy to get information from her.

Maybe she truly doesn’t have anything to tell me, but I doubt that.

What’s her weakness? How will I break her?

I step behind her and slowly reach for the buckle of my belt. I remember the look of it tucked between her teeth as I unfasten it and pull it slowly through the loops.

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