Page 87 of Lords of Betrayal

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I shake him again.

“I was so wrong.” his eyes gleam as he looks into mine. “If you can, Lucia, please forgive me. When I heard someone tried to kill you, I realized I could lose you. I wasn’t even there to protect you. You’re the most important person in my whole world. What we have matters more to me than anything. I love you so much, Lucia. Please, please forgive me. If you can.”

My heart pounds.

He looks at Bruno and Carlo. “You, too. I’m so fucking sorry.”

Bruno shakes his head. Then he shrugs. “We’ve always known you were an idiot.”

“Yeah,” Carlo nods, agreeing. “Total fuckup.”

Alessio looks back to me and tilts his head. “If I didn’t understand before, i really know now why it’s you who has to be in charge.”

“Or Carlo,” Bruno says.

Carlo adds, “Maybe Bruno. In a pinch, possibly.”

Bruno nods. “Just not you.”

“It’s obvious.” Carlo is enjoying this.

“Well,” Alessio says, “I guess I deserve this.”

I tell him, “After what you put us all through? I’ll say you do. You deserve a lot worse.”

A trace of arrogance still plays on his face, but I think it’s such a part of him, he probably couldn’t straighten it off if he tried.

I shove him hard in the chest. “You’ve got time to make up for.” I tell him. “And I am so fucking angry with you, you should think yourself lucky I plan to take it out on your cock.”

He looks apprehensive.


“Get your cock out.” I tell him. “And it had better be rock hard.”

I grab the front of his pants. All the tension and high-octane emotion in the air has had the same effect on him as it has on me. He’s hot and huge.

“Get it out,” I tell him. “I’m going to jam it in my throat, then I’m going to stick it up my ass and hammer it until your silhouette prints into this wall like a fucking Bugs Bunny cartoon.”

As he hauls the girder of flesh out of his pants, I grip it tight. On contact with the throbbing velvety heat, a shockwave snaps through me.

Carlo and Bruno are red-faced and struggling to hold back their laughs.

“You two can stop standing around looking goofy. I want your cum in my throat and in my pussy.”

As I get down level with Alessio’s massive cock, my mouth waters and I feel light-headed. All this time. All that I’ve been missing. Now, the rush of emotion that I’ve been holding back all these damned dark days surges, like it’s bulging a dam wall, threatening to break through.

I thought I’d lost him.

As I take his cock onto my tongue, he reaches down to stroke and hold my head. His fingers plunge into my hair. I bat his hands away.

There’s a wild edge in my voice. “You’re here to give. I’m doing the taking.”

As I circle his cock with my lips, I reach my arms out back behind me, stretching and waving my fingers for Bruno and Carlo. I feel their heat as they move in closer.

They both stroke my hair. Carlo’s ruthless, unstoppable hands caress my throat as Bruno starts to open my shirt.

My eyes sting. Will this be enough? Can it ever be? I thought all of this was going to be over. That we would never be this way again. One hot, fierce, snorting beast with eight arms. Eight legs.

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