Page 2 of Lords of Betrayal

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I need to be surrounded by my men tonight. I need to feel the strength of their bodies, pressed against me. Into me. Engulfing and enveloping me. All the time that I’ve been staying up here at the new house, it’s kept me apart from them. They visit, we meet up. We make plans and we make love, but it’s not enough.

With those three powerful mens’ bodies locked around me and my endless, bottomless need, it can’t ever be enough. These days, I need them more and more, especially when we’re together less and less. It’s only when we’re together, only in their arms, I can drive away the dark memory.

Things have been too hectic lately. We need to be together more. I’m getting desperate for the wildness and the release, the strains and the heat. Hot breath and hard muscle, all of our bodies thrashing and pounding together, lost in rising frenzy, taking, giving, gasping and exploding in arcs of sweat and bursts of invisible fire.

I’ve been making everything perfect at the new house for them. For us. All of us. But at a price, and our relationships are becoming explosive already. Being apart could soon start to take too much of a toll.

Alessio, Bruno and Carlo were all as enthusiastic as I was at the start about us building the new house, but I’ve worried about how hard it’s going to be to get them to actually come and take up residence. I know how fond they are of their creepy old gothic mansion.

If I can choose, I will never set foot in that old house again. I want my men, my three kings, installed and set in our new house. The fortress of wood and glass and tech, the bricks and marble of the castle that’s been built exclusively for us.

Our house, our own house. A house where we are all the history. A kingdom that has no past that isn’t ours.

When I made the decision to get the new place as perfect as I can before they move in, I wonder if I should have pushed them harder. Maybe I should have had them get more of their things trucked over.

We’re one of the top three families in this city, and I want to move us up, to number two. For now, at least. It will be tough, there’s no pretending otherwise. The next family above us, the Romanos, got to where they are with steel determination and ruthless savagery. The same way that the Puccis, the top family did.

Already I’ve found something that could be a way to move us up. I made contacts, set balls rolling. Put things in motion, but to pull it all off, I need my princes close. I need this family tight.

I hope that Alessio will want to move in to the house as soon as the gym is ready and his guns are here. Bruno won’t be able to resist the indoor pool, or the den. As soon as the library is stocked with his books and computers, and the den has the cinema screen and sound and all the games consoles, I know that Carlo won’t be able to resist coming.

But how long is it all going to take?

I don’t do patience.

In the back of my long limo, I’m safe. For now.

My life-long bodyguard Mikey looks up into the driving mirror. I feel the smile in his eyes as he guides us, gliding through the rainy night. Water rolls in slants over the windows. As we slip through the high gates and off the new property, I take a long, slow breath.

As a woman, and especially as a woman in my position, I never take a place of safety for granted.

There would be no point being a mafia princess if I couldn’t live my life the way that I want. My whole of my life, everyone around me was jealous of what I had, or what they thought I had.

At any one time, at least half of the people I knew were plotting and scheming, thinking of ways to take it from me. Every single day there’s still someone looking to kill me.

So I live my life for me and for my three men. And fuck the haters. Like my princes always say, we’re the Fortunas. We are the ‘F’-word.

And, whenever I don’t feel up and ready for the fight, what choice do I have? As Mikey says, it’s that or, ‘get thee to a nunnery.’

Without my princes, I would be fighting for my freedom and my for life, night and day. Especially at night.

At the bottom of this mountain, down the winding, fir-tree lined road is the so-called nicest part of one of the supposedly better Seattle suburbs. That’s where my old family home is.

The place where I grew up is big and sprawling, , like all the homes down there. They spread around pools and tennis courts. A couple have helipads in clearings among the trees. There’s space there for people to live their comfortable, suburban lives. Ours maybe had a bigger compound.

We certainly had more security than most, but the big-time lawyers and music promoters and tech bros didn’t have the same security needs as we did.

In the Life, the men in our community, most of them, talk non-stop about tradition and family and honor and values. They’re hypocrites in so many ways, but it is what it is. Our country is so eaten up with corruption and hypocricy now, from the very top down, I’m starting to feel like everyone around us sinking so low means we’re getting closer to being the moral high ground.

I was born into the life, cursed to be a mafia princess, so I know how it works. We have rules and a code.

In the family that I’m the head of now, it’s simple. We only need two rules.

Rule number one is, I’m the boss, so you do what I say. No questions. The other unbreakable rule is, you never betray the family. Outside of that, stay on the good side of your superiors and you can do what the fuck you like, within reason.

Everyone has superiors. I’m at the top of a network, a whole tree of families. Hundreds of men — yes, nearly all the captains and soldiers are men. But my superiors are the capos of the Romano and Pucci families. Why? Because they’re way more powerful.

In the Life, everything is power and power is everything.

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