Page 17 of Lords of Betrayal

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They needed me.

All three of the Fortunas are highly demanding. Demanding and inflexible. They want what they want. None of them make a distinction between want and need.

What they want, they have to have. They’ll take whatever it is. If that has to be by force, it will only add to their pleasure. They all love to win. And the three of them are all that I need.

My three princes belong to me, but how much do I belong to them? Occasionally, at times like this, I can feel them wanting to know. Would I consider being with another man? Or men, even?

Well, that’s for me to know, for now, at least.


Sprawled on the wide couches with my men, loosely draped in towels, sipping wine and picking at the cheeses and olives and chips and peppery crackers, all I can think of is how much I love them.

Bruno moves closer and takes a kiss. “Damn, I love you, Lucia. That was just fucking amazing.”

Carlo pulls me closer. “You seriously acted like you didn’t know either of us.”

I look back into Carlo’s eyes. “The ski masks helped. I wasn’t ready for that. Seriously. Those were scary.”

He laughs. “Made you swallow Bruno’s cock hard and deep.”

I nudge him. “I would have done that anyway. But it added to the thrill.”

He plants a line of kisses along my shoulder. “And your pussy was so tight. Oh, baby. I love you so fucking much.”

Bruno says, “It’s only been a day, but your tits are so divine, Lucia. I can’t ever get over how beautiful you are.”

Carlo rasps, “Especially when your pussy is trembling on my cock.”

“Oh,” Bruno bounces, “And when you squirt and shout.”

Carlo is laughing. “We might need soundproofed areas for that. I swear.”

He and Bruno high five. Then I kiss them both. First, sharp, sly Carlo. Then Bruno, my athlete warrior.

He holds me by my shoulders and shakes his head as he looks at me. “You just get better and better. You’re more fantastic and more beautiful every day, Lucia.”

Carlo reaches over to muss Bruno’s hair and laughs as he tells me, “There’s nothing I want more than to just stay here, wrapped up with you.”

Bruno keeps his eyes on mine as he bats Carlo’s arm away, but I see a flick of tension cross his mouth. “Seriously,” he tells me, “We could just eat and fuck an fuck and eat. Forever.”

I laugh with them. “Maybe stop to pop out a baby now and then.”

Bruno’s voice takes a dip, like this could be serious. “You’re thinking about that?”

I look in his eyes. Of all of them, I would expect Bruno to be the least likely to bolt at the first sign of that commitment. I know that he wants to be a father. They all do. Bruno has that sturdy look about him, like he can handle anything. Like, whatever comes, he’s ready.

Carlo says, “We’ve talked about it.”

“I know,” Bruno says, “I’ve always said that I want babies.”

I say, “But?”

He makes a smile. “No. No but.”

I sense that there’s a conversation we should have. He and I.

Carlo’s voice is mischievous. “Who’s going to look after the babies?”

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