Page 23 of Jaime's Story

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So when he offered to let me buy into the house using the profit from selling mine, I couldn’t say no. Especially not when he added that he knew several relators that were looking for houses in my current neighborhood who would be more than happy to get it on the market.

So the last two nights, I’ve been getting things boxed up because I am more than happy to sell if it means living with Jaime in a house she’ll love. Add in living in it with her as her husband…yeah, no way am I not jumping on that full steam ahead.

I slip out of the car to get inside to do more packing but slow when a woman heads my way. “Hi there, you must be Bryan Taylor,” she says, and I lift my chin a hint wondering how she knows that. “Sorry, I’m Olivia Bennet with Davis Realty. I’ve worked with the Cartwright family on several occasions and heard from Serena that you might be looking to sell your place.”

“I am but it’s not something I want to get out quite yet,” I state, amazed that they’d be talking about it when Jake said they wouldn’t mention the new house until it was ready for Jaime to see herself, which won’t be for a couple more weeks.

“Yes, Serena said you all were doing this as a surprise for your…fiancée?” she says, her brows lifting a bit on the term.

“Soon to be, hopefully,” I offer.

“Jaime’s a sweetheart. She actually came up with my new company logo,” Olivia adds confusing me a bit, her smile growing brighter as her eyes roam over the outside of the house. “I was Olivia Davis until two years ago, then I met Gary when I stopped by the construction site with my clients. He works as a foreman for them. I could have changed the business name but didn’t want to cause confusion if people came looking for me under Davis. I did want to incorporate the change into things, so Jaime came up with a new design. This place looks amazing. I found the old photos of it online. Did you do this yourself?”

“Most of it,” I admit with a shrug at her surprise. “I hired contractors for electrical and plumbing, as well as to redo the ceilings after having to replace the roof and all of the insulation because of damage, but the rest I did myself.”

“I would love to see the inside when you have the time. It’s three bedrooms?” she adds, and I nod. “Perfect, I keep getting calls asking if I’ve heard of anyone looking to sell or if I’ve gotten any new listings for the neighborhood. It’s definitely exploding right now so it’s a great time to sell. I know you don’t know me, but if you list it with me, I promise to get you the best deal possible. I doubt I’d even have to put the official listing out there to get it sold.”

“That sounds great actually. I don’t want Jaime to see it before I propose, and we show her the new place.”

“Like I said, whenever you’re ready, just give me a call,” Olivia says handing over a business card. “I’ve got to get home. My husband has a six year old son from his first marriage and Wednesday is spaghetti night. He says I make it better than his dad so can’t disappoint him.”

“I’m off tomorrow if you have any free time,” I suggest.

“Just give me a call in the morning and we can get it all done at once. Get some listing photos and go over a price,” she says, and I smile as I head in, and it grows more when my phone buzzes with a text from Jaime.

How was your day? Still at it?

‘Nope, just got home,’ I shoot back. ‘We wrapped up the case that was pending. A couple kids were breaking into houses for food,’ I add with a shake of my head. ‘Their mom walked out three weeks ago, and they haven’t seen or heard from her since. The couples agreed not to press charges, and the kids are with CPS now. Kayla stopped in to check on them so hopefully something good will come up for them.’

I can’t imagine a parent just walking out like that. What’s wrong with people?

‘I don’t know. The older one said their mom lost her job and couldn’t afford rent. It’s still no excuse to just leave your kids and disappear when there are options. She could have brought the kids in and asked for help, said she couldn’t take care of them any longer, anything but just leave them by themselves. The oldest is twelve but the youngest is just five.’

Mom would lose her mind hearing that.

‘Yeah, when their mother is found, she’s going to have a lot of explaining to do. It’s down with missing persons now since the burglary case is closed. And I get tomorrow and Friday off now. I’m on-call for this weekend so how about we do something Friday night?’

Love to, she replies, and I wish those last two letters were actually three. Shit, I want to see her now but also, I need to figure out how to ask her to be mine. I pull up the calendar for Presley, unable to hold back a smile seeing they’re on break this week. I don’t have Jillian’s phone number, but I do have Jamison’s and likely Jasmine’s somewhere. They might give me Jillian’s or at least give her mine to get hold of me so I can get her help on it.

‘I can’t wait to see you. Miss you, princess.’ I add, waiting for her response but the minutes drag on and nothing comes. I try not to dwell on it. She’s probably just talking to Jillian or Maia, hell, they might be sitting down to dinner since it’s nearly six now.

I scrub my face trying to decide what to do for food myself when the doorbell rings pulling my brows together curiously. If it’s another relator they’re out of luck. If the Cartwrights trust Olivia, then she’s got my business.

My jaw drops as I pull open the door, a delicious aroma wafting up to me, but I can’t drag my eyes off of Jaime’s smiling face to see what smells so good. “I missed you too, daddy.”

“Fuck princess,” I growl, dragging her through the door and into my arms.

The door slams shut as I press her back against it, my hands lifting to her face, holding it before claiming the smile on her lips that’s too damn tempting. Something hits the ground with a couple soft plunks, but I don’t bother looking to see what it is, not when I have my girl in my arms, her soft sweet mouth beneath mine, and her arms wrap around my neck clinging to me in return.

“If you’re not…ready for me…to bury…my cock…inside you…right now…you better…speak up…fast, princess,” I warn between the most perfect kisses that I’ve ever had in my life. Her kisses are the most incredible combination of soft and sweet, hesitant but hungry, and I’m absolutely out of my mind as I hold her pinned against my front door.

“Open my jacket, daddy,” she whispers into my ear as I trail kisses down her neck.

I groan as I pull back enough to get my hands between us, and holy fucking shit…I hit my knees when I pull the sides of her jacket open, revealing the tiniest, sexiest bit of nothing beneath it. I’m completely on fire knowing my girl came here with one thought and one thought only in mind—to ride my cock.

“Princess…you are in so much trouble,” I growl grabbing her tiny waist, throwing her onto my shoulder as I stand. My hand slides beneath the jacket and my cock jumps inside my pants feeling the string that disappears between the globes of her tight little ass.

It’s a damn good thing that my door locks automatically when it shuts because all the blood is pounding through my cock as I stalk towards the bedroom. All of my good intentions of waiting to claim her in the new house fly out the door because if my princess came here wearing just this…there’s no way I’m making her wait for what she needs. What I want more than air to breathe.

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