Page 31 of Shore Leave

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My palms are sweating from nervousness even with Kade’s arm wrapped around me and holding together the frayed edges of my soul. Anxiety is not something I deal with very well. I’ll probably end up tripping over my feet or babbling uncontrollably.

I’m not only nervous about being at Kade’s side at his sister’s graduation, which is more than enough reason for me to be on edge. I’m also not sure how I’m going to be able to look into his mother’s eyes and not want to attack her.

That woman doesn’t deserve to have a son like Kade. I’m sure she doesn’t even realize how lucky she has been. Hell, she could have had much more than she did since the death of her husband, but she chose to push people away and use her own damn son for her gains.

My stomach twists as I think about it.

In the week since Jennifer was found, I’ve spent a lot of time with Kade. I don’t think I could have shaken the man even if I wanted to with how determined he’s been to spend time with me and earn my trust. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t really want to put distance between us.

I was understandably wary about letting him back into my life and giving him a chance at first, but I’m not now. I’m all in and he knows it.

When I glance up at him it’s to find him already looking at me with a big smile on his face. The man doesn’t need ways to appear more attractive, but the way he’s smiling at and looking at me makes him even more drool worthy. It’s not fair, really.

Last night as we laid together in his room at the clubhouse, naked and panting for breath, something clicked into place for me. All the time we’ve been spending together, the way he supported me when I confronted Jen, the devotion he’s shown toward me, washed over me. He never shied away from a conversation, no matter what the topic was. He didn’t shield me from his emotions and allowed himself to be vulnerable with me without knowing if I was ever going to get over our past.

The little residual bits of anger and hurt over what happened the morning after the night we spent together were just…gone. My eyebrows furrowed together, and I let out a small sound of surprise.

“Are you okay?” Kade’s voice was laden with concern and a little bit of fear. As his hands hovered over me as if there was some sort of injury he could see and then fix, I stared into his aquamarine eyes. I don’t know what he saw in my expression, but his face smoothed out and hope lifted a single word, “Ink?”

“I forgive you,” I murmured softly. He opened his mouth as if he were going to argue with me, but I shook my head. “You’ve already shown me. You’ve put me first; you’ve communicated with me and followed through with every plan we’ve made and every promise you’ve made.” I reached up and cupped his strong jaw in my hands, my fingers pricking on the stubble there. “You’ve shown me the man you are, Kade, and proven to me that you can keep my heart safe, even from you.”

I swear I saw tears forming in the gorgeous eyes of my big, bad biker. The serenity on his face as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath was a sight to see. “Are you,” his voice cracked a little, “sure?”

“I’m sure. I’m all in now.” I smiled softly when his eyes popped open and filled with wonder. “I don’t think I had any other choice but to forgive you. You weren’t going to take no for an answer.”

“Damn right, I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.” The way he puffed up his chest, knowing he’d probably be strutting if he had been standing and walking, had me giggling. His voice dropped an octave and went husky, “Thank you, Ink. I’ll never allow you to regret this.”

“I know you won’t.”

And I do know it to the very depths of me. Kade is a solid man. He’s built of something stronger than any man I’ve ever known before. He’ll stand tall and wrap himself around me to protect me in the most violent storms. He’ll shine down on me and allow me to dance in the sunlight when times are good, watching and making sure nothing dark can touch me. He’ll forge ahead and be the darkness when something threatens me, us, or our family.

Now I get to prove myself to him, not that he would ask me to. But he does need me just the same. I’ll be standing next to him during Emma’s graduation and helping him navigate leaving the manipulations of his mom behind so he can live his own life, a life for him, for us.

When we find seats and settle in, Kade looks around for a moment and then leans into me to whisper while pointing toward another section of seats, “That’s Mylie.”

I nod, seeing the resemblance immediately. He doesn’t tell me that the woman sitting next to his sister must be their mom. I don’t need him to.

His heart is still aching over how she treated him when he told her that he wasn’t going back out onto the rig. You’d think that she’d be glad he wouldn’t be risking his life and his health anymore. Most mothers would care about that, but not his.

I hate that for him.

As everyone settles into the seats, I glance behind us when the sound of heavy boots is almost deafening. My eyes widen when I look at the people who have filled the row behind us to find a good portion of the DSMC brothers along with their old ladies if they have one. It’s a good mix between the older brothers and the younger, but it’s definitely stacked in favor of the older members.

Lucifer meets my eyes and winks as Cherise reaches down and gives my shoulder a squeeze. There’s something about Lucifer’s old lady and Prodigal’s mom. She has this aura about her that reminds me of Amelia. I bet they could get along well; probably too damn well and it would get them both in trouble.

I’ve gotten close to Cherise while spending time at the clubhouse. Somehow, without me even realizing it, she stepped into the role of mother, the one my own abandoned. She’s never looked down on me for my career choice, not that I would have expected it.

Loot shoots me a wink from further down the row when I take in the imposing wall of leather and muscle that have just showed up. Just showed up. I think that’s what is the most shocking part of them being here.

Kade’s mom abandoned the club, but that doesn’t mean they’ve abandoned her. If that’s not loyalty, I don’t know what is.

“Wow,” I whisper, awe filling me as the way this group of men and women love sinks into my marrow.

Kade kisses my temple, his voice thick with emotion but low enough for only me to hear, “They’re here for me just as much as they’re here for Emma.”

I swallow hard, and blink back the tears forming in my eyes. “Family,” I murmur.

Kade’s eyes light up and he kisses my lips softly. I’m about to deepen the kiss, not giving a single fuck about where we are or how many people are around, but that’s the moment the graduation ceremony begins.

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