Page 26 of Shore Leave

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Still, that wasn’t going to stop me from helping my brothers find the woman. I wanted to show Emery that she could count on me, even if she wasn’t all that invested in finding Jen. I wasn’t going to let her down.

And I figured having Dot on my side wouldn’t hurt anything. I can only hope I’m right about that.

Now I’m waiting for my woman to show up after I called her to let her know there was news. I can only hope this won’t hurt her. Even though the sisters aren’t close.

I shake my head to dispel my worries. Even if it does shock and hurt Emery, I’ll be at her side to help hold her together. Honestly, there isn’t anywhere else I’d rather be.

I know that Emery letting me get close to her the other night after I talked to Mom was because I needed her and wasn’t because she was letting me back in, but that doesn’t mean I’m not thankful as fuck about it. I’ll take any way that I can get close to my woman.

The fact that she was willing to give me what I needed, even if she’s not sure about trusting me after I explained how everything went down, means the fucking world to me. It’s enough.

For now.

My mind drifts back to earlier when I was called into Lucifer’s office. Hacker, our tech expert, was there along with Loot, Prodigal, and Apostle. I knew with a single glance at everyone in the room that someone had found something about Jennifer.

We’d already spread out around the city to explore all those dark recesses of the city to see if we could find her. No one found anything about her, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t anything to find.

When Lucifer nodded toward one of the chairs in front of his desk, I sunk down into it and braced myself. My mind was going over all the worst possibilities. Emery wasn’t as invested in finding Jen as Dot has been, but that doesn’t mean she would want to hear the worst news possible.

Without being able to stop myself, I blurted, “Is she dead?”

“Thankfully, she’s not dead,” there was a note of hesitance in Lucifer’s voice that had me on edge. “Doesn’t mean she’s not in hell all the same.”

I scrubbed a hand over my face before giving him a sharp nod and looking toward Hacker. I’m not sure how I knew, but my gut was screaming that he was the one who was able to find out the information we were hunting.

“Jen has spent the last year on a downward spiral.” I opened my mouth to say that I had a feeling that she’d been heading south a lot longer than a year, but Hacker shook his head, and I snapped my mouth shut to listen. “She’s never had the best track record. That much was clear right away when I started digging into her. But this last year has been even worse.”

My gut clenched and I wished I had pushed my woman to tell me something, anything, about the history she shared with her sister. I knew they were different and that their parents treated Jen like the black sheep and Emery like she was made of golden spun sugar. Well, at least until Emery decided to follow her dreams.

Then everything changed and her parents turned their backs on her.

At this point, they might as well stay gone and never look back. I’ll make sure Emery has people at her back and a fuck ton of love in her heart for the rest of our lives.

“She was in some sort of altercation about 18 months ago and was beaten. Badly. It wasn’t pretty and the way she was worked over was brutal. No one was ever charged with the crime, and I don’t think the cops looked too deeply into it because Jen has been on their radar before for solicitation and minor drug offenses,” Hacker explained

“Shit,” I hissed out and ran my fingers through my hair.

“Yeah,” Hacker agreed. “While things weren’t great before, that whole thing got her hooked hard on drugs.”

“Probably self-medicating,” Apostle interjected what we were all thinking. I managed to grunt in response.

“The way she threw herself into addiction was a new low her for and definitely worse than it had been previously. That shit is what led her to really be taken advantage of.” I started rubbing my temples as Hacker filled us in. “She was in debt and in need of her next fix which is what allowed some shit pimp who doesn’t give a fuck about his merchandise to turn her out in a way she hadn’t been before.”

I shook my head, feeling defeated and hating the idea of filling my woman and her aunt in on everything. “You got a location?” It was really the only question to ask in that moment and I had to know if this info was leading anywhere.

“Yup,” Hacker popped the p.

I nodded slowly, a war raging inside of me. Do I tell my woman? Do we get Jen out and save her from herself? Addiction is fucking messy and it’s going to take more than the will of some bikers to turn Jen’s life around.

“You need to tell your woman what we found out,” the command in Lucifer’s voice had me snapping my gaze up to look at him. I opened my mouth to explain that they weren’t exactly close but didn’t get the chance. “I know they aren’t close, but you don’t get to choose what to shield her from and what not to. Dot came to us for help and while Emery is your woman, this isn’t club business. Now if we had found out she was being held in the RRMC’s clubhouse, this shit would become sanctioned, and we’d be having another discussion. That’s not what this is. Jennifer’s life has just taken bad turn after bad turn and now she’s in a fucking mess without a lot of options.”

“What do I tell her?” I could hear the desperation and the plea in my voice.

“The fucking truth,” Lucifer’s words were hard and unyielding. “You tell her the truth, trust her to be the strong fucking woman we know she is, and then let her know you’ll have her back when we go in and get Jen out of the situation that she’s gotten herself in.”

“What’s the plan on getting Jen out?” I needed a distraction while my mind was conjuring up all the negative ways my woman could take the news.

Apostle must have seen my turmoil because he laid some plans out for a shit motel—a generous term, honestly—in one of the worst areas of the city. We went over where Jen had been seen, what room she’s allegedly staying in, and any information we had on her pimp.

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