Page 13 of Shore Leave

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I blink a few times and breathe out, “What?”

She gives me a disapproving look full of judgement. “Don’t tell me you’re going to judge the men of this club, Emery,” there’s a sharp edge to her tone. “I’ve spent the entire school year watching a man who loves his woman deeply take care of and put her first.” When all I do is open and close my mouth, unsure of what to say to that, she fills me in. “Sioux is a wonderful woman who teaches at my school. Right before the year started, there was some sort of incident, and she was injured.” I narrow my eyes, questions briming inside of me, but she waves them away before I can voice a single one. “I don’t know the details and I don’t want to. What I do know is that Apostle came to me and asked me to make sure she was doing okay on a daily basis when she was given the all clear to come back to work. It was clear he would rather be at her side but couldn’t. Not that she would have allowed it,” she giggles a little with her words. “We became friends,” she adds with a shrug.

“You became friends?” My words are measured as my mind whirls, “With one of the enforcers of the DSMC?”

Before she can answer, a deep voice from behind us has me jumping, “She did. Mrs. Bisby is one classy lady and I’m grateful for her friendship.”

I turn slowly and then crane my head back so I can look up…and up…at the man standing behind me. He’s fucking huge and I’m not just talking about height. I also doubt he has an ounce of fat on him.

Are my eyes bugging out of my head right now? It feels like they are.

The man smirks at me before Aunt Dot practically tackles him to the floor as she hugs him.

“Holy shit,” I whisper.

Aunt Dot doesn’t look my way as she chastises me, “Language, young lady.”

I shake my head at her even though she can’t see me as the giant of a man, who must be Apostle, laughs. And let’s not be deluded about it—he’s laughing at me. I just know it.

“It’s good to see you, Mrs. Bisby,” the man says as he pats her back gently.

Aunt Dot pulls back and grins up at the man. “Dot, please, since we’re not at the school.” She gives him another squeeze before she steps back. “Normally I’m stuck behind the desk and can’t hug you properly. This is a nice change of pace.”

He chuckles, the sound gorgeous, but it doesn’t do anything for me. Not like the way Kade chuckled. I shake off the memory and remind myself to be on guard as a gorgeous, blond woman walks up with a huge smile on her face.

“Mrs. Bisby,” she greets my aunt. There’s a tease in her voice, “Didn’t I just see you earlier today?”

My aunt laughs and nods. “Sioux, please call me Dot when we’re not working. Mrs. Bisby makes me feel too old.” She leans closer to the woman and stage whispers, “Especially when I’m surrounded by so many fine male specimens.”

I choke on fucking air at her words which turns into a small coughing fit. When Sioux and Apostle look my way I wave off the clear concern written across their faces. “Sorry,” I gasp out, “my aunt just caught me off guard with her hussy ways.”

Aunt Dot rolls her eyes and huffs out a breath as Sioux’s smile widens. There’s a kindness in her eyes that sets me instantly at ease. Maybe in another life, one where the man I thought I connected with instantly didn’t disappear without a trace, we might have been friends.

Oh well.

I swallow hard and take a sip from the soda in front of me. Honestly, I might act scandalized by my aunt, and I am, but I’m also glad that she’s no longer stuck in the depression she was shrouded in after she lost my uncle. That was a hard time in her life, and we leaned on each other since it wasn’t all that long after my parents disowned me.

It’s been a few years now and if I thought a biker would be the right fit for my aunt, I might encourage her. As it is, I’m not so sure.

Well, hell, talk about projecting.

“Not that I’m not happy to see you, Dot,” Apostle’s voice pulls me from the impending thoughts about Kade which were barreling down on me, “but is there something you need?”

Sioux jumps in quickly, “If you’re just here for a beer, you’re more than welcome.”

“Of course,” Apostle assures my aunt who has an amused smile on her face.

“While I’m thankful for the drink,” Aunt Dot assures them, “I am here for something else.”

Apostle’s face turns serious and there is a part of me that is kind of afraid of the man. The expression on his face promises violence and it’s clear why he’s an enforcer for the club. He glances my way before focusing all his intensity on my aunt. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”

“I need some help in regards my other niece, Jennifer,” she informs Apostle.

He gives a nod before kissing Sioux’s temple and murmuring something to her softly. She sighs softly before shooting my aunt and then myself a look that screams ‘men’. After a brief hug for my aunt and a small wave in my direction, she moves toward the other side of the room.

Apostle calls out, “Lucifer. Prodigal.”

I turn slightly to find two men walking into the room from a hallway. It’s clear with one look that they’re father and son. Oh, and both are hot as hell. Even though one of them is older, that doesn’t take away from the power rolling off him or the magnetism.

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