Page 93 of Married in Rage

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Until now. Her thumb traced the words on her screen, her heart melting even while her tummy squirmed.


She knew he wasn’t in the crowded living room. Even before she looked up and scanned the room, she knew he wasn’t there. It felt like the very air in the room changed when Harsh was around.

Her gaze wandered to the staircase that led to the higher floors and to their suite of rooms. Her body tingled, feeling like an electric charge ran through it.

Now. She wanted the ‘now’ with him too. She also wanted the ‘later’ and the fear of not getting that kept her rooted to one spot.

Someone cleared their throat beside her and she looked up to see Agastya watching her, a small smile on his face.

“Go,” he told her.

Raashi flushed a bright red. “I don’t know-“

“Raashi, no one has ever fought for my brother the way you did earlier today. And while he will tell you he doesn’t need anyone to do so, he does.” His gaze went to where Veda stood chatting with Ram. “We all do. We need our person, the one who is always in our corner. You’re his person, as he is yours.”

Raashi’s heart started to pound as Agastya’s words thrummed through her.

“Go,” he said again.

She went, her feet flying towards the staircase. She took them two at a time until she got to their rooms. Her feet slowed then, fear and self-doubt paralysing her but then the bedroom door swung open and there he was, her husband…lounging against the doorframe, frayed jeans hanging loose on his hips, unbuttoned and barely zipped. And no shirt.

Of course, she thought hysterically. Of course there was no shirt. This was Harsh, after all.

He stared at her, eyes hooded, the intensity in them as they swept her body making a delicious shiver run through her.

“Hello wife.”

“Fake wife,” she blurted, feeling the need to underline the reality of their situation.

“I don’t know about that,” he said, the words a low, dangerous drawl. “Does this marriage feel fake to you?”

Raashi swallowed, her mind scrambling at the dangerous edge to his voice. “Does it feel real to you?” It felt like she needed to hear his answer more than she needed to take her next breath.

“You’ve ruined me, Viper,” he murmured, his gravelly voice had goosebumps erupting all over her. “One compromise at a time.”

“I tend to ruin things,” she whispered, blinking back tears.

“No,” he shook his head, banked intensity in his gaze. “Don’t do that. You’re too smart for that. You know, in your heart, that that’s not what I meant.”

“What did you mean?” She swiped at a stray tear, unwilling to allow hope to flare in the same stupid heart he was talking about.

“Do I really have to spell it out, genius? I meant that you’ve ruined me for others. There is nobody else for me, Raashi. Nobody but you.”

“You don’t mean that,” she said hoarsely. “All of this has been meant to be fake.”

“The wedding felt pretty real to me. The feel of you in my arms felt even more real. The taste of your orgasm on my tongue felt like it was the only thing keeping me rooted to this life. The way you fight me when I’m being an ass felt pretty real. The way you fought for me, like no one else ever has, felt pretty real to me. If this isn’t real, if we aren’t real, then what is, Raashi?”

A hard tremor racked her body at his words, her gaze hopelessly ensnared by his.

“I didn’t withdraw because I want you to change who you are, Raashi. I withdrew because I couldn’t believe someone like you exists. Someone as incredible, as feisty, as intelligent, as absolutely fucking perfect as you exists and you’re in my life. That didn’t feel real. But I desperately want it to be. I want to keep you there, with me, forever.”

“I’m not perfect, far from it.” She could feel the pressure of tears build behind her eyes, burning to find their way through. “I’m a hot mess.”

“Perfect for me. I want real with you, Raashi,” he said softly. “I want it all and I want it with you. I want to spend the rest of my life annoying you, fighting with you, fighting for you and loving you. I want eternity with you. I love you Raashi Kodela and I want the opportunity to show you just how much. Will you give it to me?”

Her breath shuddered out of her. “Yes. God yes.” Tears flooded her eyes, streaming down her cheeks. Harsh strode forward, wrapping his arms around her and hauling her to him. “I love you too, so damn much. You’re the stupid, perfect one,” she sobbed against his bare chest. “And where is your stupid shirt?”

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